Game Goes Live

[The mysterious company that created the online VRMMORPG, that has taken Sanctauri by storm has just released an update within the game. It's still unknown where the company hails from, but they've managed to make Asgard a second world that has its own currency. 

Now that currency is something that can be exchangeable for real creds. It's rumoured that 1 in-game gold coins will be 50 creds which is a massive gain...] 

Kiro stood there dumbfounded. He didn't even notice when he took a standing position. His knees were growing weak, he wanted to cry in relief. 

3 months! 3 whole months the game made him wait. He had given up completely on the conversion, he was starting to save money from his beast rental business. But this surprise was the best one he's received in a long time. 

"Ki, did I hear that right? Is that saying what I think it's saying?" Hiro called out. Influenced by Isla, they'd started calling him Ki now. Even Saanvi.