Lich King

As hard as Ishaan was working, the skeletons weren't reducing in numbers. Clearly, the Lich was summoning more as one fell from his blade.

Kiro was tempted to not interfere and see just who would last longer in the battle of stamina but within hours, Ishaan was starting to lose his flair. Everyone watched this always scared kid with a newfound respect but only a little because at that moment he collapsed making his moment a little less cool.

"Felix, you dunce! Why weren't you healing him." He said while using vibrations to stun them in place.

Felix didn't reply, he simply wore a sadistic smile on his face and shrugged. He started healing him then, his mana was almost entirely drained, another second and he would have been in a comatose state. 

'Yeah, a masochist through and through.'