Creating Stars

They waited for him to explain further but he never did. He just looked at the strangeness of the darkness surrounding them. He was trying to get a sense of what was going. 

His eyes told him it was dark, his other sense told him it was day. 

"Well, why can't we hear anything." Ishaan said impatiently.

"I don't hear anything." Hiro exclaimed

"It's not something you can hear, no offense buddy." He said smugly. 

"But we should be able to hear something, Nikolai and Felix did hear movement inside at night."

"That's because it's not night, not really. That lich must've done something." He shrugged. 

Even though the sun wasn't there, Kiro could still tell that, this darkness wasn't naturally occurring. It was as if the sun was carved out from the sky, leaving them in unending darkness.