First Base Cleared

He expected to have his consciousness stolen from him, but that never happened. But the sound startled him so much that his eyes shot open.

There was a snake-like chain in front of him that completely stopped zombie Kiro on its tracks. His entire body was on fire. He took a closer look, it was familiar, his fire had come out to protect him when he'd all given up.

Felix had saved him just in the nick of time with the same weapon he had created for him. He didn't need to be told twice, as he quickly took steps back, creating a great distance between him and the zombie.

"You know, I've always wanted to dissect a zombie." Felix said innocently.

"Hey, don't get too excited, he's still your leader." Nikolai chimed in.

"So? He's an enemy now. He's clearly stronger than us, we shouldn't hold back."