Anger Within

The weather was great outside. The sun shone brightly, the wind blew a little cold. Indicating that it was still winter. 

In a certain office, Gilbert Blakeson sat at his chair. His window welcomed the afternoon sun, so did he. He enjoyed this time of the day, his office was in a spot that only in the afternoon would the sun warm the office but only just. 

Of course Mr. Blakeson could've switched up the heat in his office. But he wasn't a fan of heat, he liked the cold better. 

That's where he felt at home and comfortable. He smiled at the thought of winter and snow. The only sun he enjoyed was the autumn and winter one, because it came with a bit of coldness.

The office didn't look like a sentimental one, just a standard office. No personal photos. Nobody would guess it was a boss's office that's how basic it looked. 

He was a firm believer in not bringing family into the office, his personal and work life should remain separate.