A Surprise Call

Kiro was sitting around the kitchen table with his family eating breakfast. Though he wasn't all there, the conversation he had with Saanvi worried him more now that Christmas was nearing.

'My father never loses.'

Replayed inside his head over and over. He was thinking all kinds of what if scenarios. He knew worry never helped anyone, only action did. But he had no idea how he would even begin to act to ensure their win.

"Are you okay baby?" Freya noticed that his mind was far away.

"Huh? Yes I am, why?" Kiro asked, acting dumb.

Freya didn't say anything, instead gave him a piercing gaze, that made him awkwardly shift from his chair, attempting to escape out there.

"I'm okay for real mum, just thinking about how dad is doing now."

That's what he said instead of running away. What good would running away be when they lived under the same roof.