Shock and Despair

His eyes went wide with utter and complete shock. How did this person know him, to top it all off, his gang was still very new. He was doing these jobs to raise their reputation.

"How, did, you..." He couldn't finish his words.

Kiro was smiling satisfied at his spot on guess. The man responsible for his death, the man who beat him to death, the man responsible for the death of many of his family members, he meets him at last.

Even though he was tied to the chair, he managed to slightly get up. As if in sync, Felix did the same thing.

Phinix quickly grabbed the knife and thrusted it Kiro's way. Aiming for his head. Kiro had already jumped backwards, he fell on his back completely destroying the chair.

He could hear the thunderous footsteps approaching him. He waited for the man to attack first, he didn't have his eyes, so that was his best bet.