At The Plant, II

"I heard that wrong, right?" He asked absentmindedly.

"Sir, calm down." Wilfred tried to hold him down.

His eyes looked crazed. Like an animal ready to kill anything in its way. For a split second, it scared even Wilfred. He'd seen a lot in his life, and those eyes, he'd never encountered those eyes in his life.

"I'm calm, but I heard that wrong right?" He repeated like a broken record.

Wilfred knew that, even if he tried to stop him from flying back, it wouldn't work.

"I'll go with you." He offered himself up.

"I need you right here."

His voice was calm but chilling. Wilfred decided to not argue, he simply gave him his coat and he was gone like the very wind was chasing him. He couldn't feel anything, he was numb.

Wilfred watched dumbly as his strides surprised him. It hadn't been long and his silhouette was out of view. He sighed deeply.