Hard Truths

The doors to their meeting flew open, revealing Ishaan from the other side.

"Sorry I'm late, are you guys okay? I only heard this morning, I was worried sick."

"What do you know about the Sanctum, Ishaan?" Kiro asked him, looking dead in the eyes.

"Wh-what? do you mean..."

"Holy hell Ishaan! You do know!" Nikolai chimed in.

"Why didn't you tell us?" 

Ishaan had a genuine confused expression on his face. He was also a little lost for words, nobody should know what the Sanctum was but a few people. So few it was only their fathers and the children they've chosen to take over for them once they've left.

Nikolai and Hiro were just about ready to pound him, they'd gotten up from their seats with crazed looks on their eyes. Ishaan wasn't fast enough as he was still in his state of confusion.