The Silva Estate

Even though she had nowhere to be, Isla woke up early that morning. It was the day Kiro told her he could only be free in. She didn't really understand, as he'd not told her anything yet.

He was still unsure how much to tell her, so he kept to himself and after dark.

Isla was smart enough to not start an argument over something she didn't fully understand, so she decided to wait. Her phone rang and it was Saanvi.

"What?" She answered.

"Are you ready?" She smiled asking her.

"I am, but also I feel like throwing up frogs. My stomach isn't at all still." She was more nervous than when she decided to kiss Kiro.

"Of course you are, you're such a daddy's girl." Saanvi shook her head.

"Well how about you, has Hiro met your dad?"

"What for?" She rolled her eyes.

Isla didn't answer or ask any further. Clearly they had different views on this matter and she didn't really want to spend the entire day debating with Saanvi about this.