Chaos Within

Within the walls of the Waynworth estate, chaos reigned. The quadruplets made them work to the bone, their favourite thing to do was crying.

Sekani was helped by Angelina and Vada, with Freya occasionally helping and breastfeeding them. Sekani had to basically force his wife to step down from taking care of their children.

Though he regretted that as soon as she agreed, he promised to never go back on his word. His wife almost died, she needed as much rest as possible.

Alora was an absolute sweetheart about the whole ordeal. She didn't throw tantrums that the new children were getting more attention, it was as if she understood what was going on without being told.

"Thinking back, Loki is the only child besides these ones, that was this fussy." He commented, hoping they don't turn out as troublemakers.