Chasing Madness

Kiro looked at Lyle amused. At least the kid wasn't blindly arrogant. He could admit his faults and shamelessly beg.

He noticed that Jorge wanted to kick him senseless for how embarrassing he was being and the fact that he dared to challenge people who were willing to help them.

"You never even revealed the name of your guild. Who are we allying ourselves with?" Kiro instead said, ignoring the mutt that was begging to be taught. 

"Oh, so sorry, sir. It completely slipped my mind. We are Chasing Madness. It's just a small guild that has nothing at the moment."

Kiro's brain went haywire after hearing that name. He'd heard it countless times in his previous life, and here he was meeting the monster that would be Chasing Madness.

He'd heard stories about how they started from the very bottom of the game. And slowly rose up, and within a year, they were part of the great guilds in Asgard.