The Side Unknown

"Is everyone alright, can everyone see?"

It was too dark. Even the highly favoured Kiro couldn't see well in the midst of dense trees. He however had vibrations, so he was fine.

Hiro had infused his eyes with the special fire he possessed. Making it easier to see, he was the only one who could see in their group using his eyes.

His was now called Purifye, it was the most pure fire Asgard had. It was white in colour, with purple hints on the sides. It forced his hair and eyes to be the same colour as it.

He did not decide to use it on his hair, it just did all on his own when he activated it. The fire was kind of sentient, it decided all on its own that, its master and his mates needed light.

It didn't shine bright, but it was enough. Little by little vision came back to their eyes. Seeing Hiro's pure white hair they almost laughed, but then the eyes, the eyes were very frightening. They swallowed their mocking thoughts immediately.