Found Out

Kiro watched the news, unbelievable that this happened at his brothers school. When he came to, because he was still tired from the night before, he shook his head.

"That idiot, what is he doing over there!"

No student names were mentioned but Kiro knew his brother. He knew just the kind of troublemaker he was.

"Oh my, do you think Yuri is alright?" Hiro was looking at same screen Kiro was looking at.

Though he wasn't quite sure whether his sister was behaving over there. Yuri had her mood swings, sometimes she was nice, other times, not so much.

"What are you talking about, Yuri is an angel! Those two on the other hand!" Kiro countered.

Hiro shook his head, he'd known Yuri for a little while so he didn't know just about everything about her.

"Those two? You mean Loki and LJ?"

"Who else? Those little rascals!" He complained, praying there wouldn't be any phone calls from the principal this time.