Trouble That Follows

The tension in their meeting hall was rather thick. Each of their faces with panicked expressions, except for Kiro. There was only one missing within their ranks, Hiro. They could all guess where he was and that didn't seem to be the main concern of theirs.

"That little brother of yours knows? We're screwed then aren't we?" Nikolai asked, this wasn't something that was within their expectations. Especially because Loki was very young, they were skeptical that he could hold it in.

"Royally." Ishaan agreed.

Felix didn't have much of an opinion on the matter, but concern could be seen on his face nonetheless. He tried to play it cool, but any idiot could see it.

"Calm down, will you? Loki is my brother, I know him better than anyone. If I say he's not going to talk, he's not going to talk." Kiro was slightly annoyed, if they couldn't trust Loki, then they could trust him.