Which Base First?

He could sense that the titans were no longer hostile. Hiro came running to him, grinning from ear to ear. He thought for a second he was concerned for him, but he snatched the vial examining it closely. His eyes had a light he'd never seen before.

'Not even money made him like this.' He thought to himself, smiling while shaking his head.

"It's even better than I anticipated, too bad it's so small. We should look for more." He beamed.

The titans no longer moved, they no longer attacked but they were still physically there. Standing still like ancient statues. The lightning bolt was, in a way, their essence. The very thing that made them sentient beings.

They didn't know that catching it would cause for this to happen, in Hiro's greed they found a way to disable the threat that was no doubt going to decimate them.

"Wow, who knew Hiro was smarter than all of us." Saanvi teased.