A Wager

"F*ck, Nikolai, are you alright?" He screamed his question not taking his eyes off the enemy.

The creature in front of him didn't move. It relished from the fact that its claws had dug deep into flesh, for the first time in a very long time. The blood smelled divine, closing its eyes it took deep calculated breaths, then it did the unthinkable. It brought its claws to its mouth and licked them.

Its tongue came out more crimson than before, it was performing the act very slowly as if afraid that the moment would disappear and it would've all been a dream. Its claws were marinated in not only blood but also bits of Nikolai's flesh.

That was also something it enjoyed apparent, as it chewed like it was the most amazing, premium meat that had ever graced its teeth.

"Excellent." It growled lowly. "You will do about as well."