Armed and Dangerous

The meeting took a little over a minute. They stayed behind a bit, talking things over, one by one the slipped away until it was just the president, Kiro and his friends.

"I'm sorry if I'll be forward here President Scott, but isn't there a prototype? I really want to try it now." Hiro softly said from the back.

"I'm afraid it can't be done yet." He saw the disappointed look in his eyes, he grabbed his hair and pulled it a little bit. "Give it a month, at most." He tried to comfort him.

Kiro walked over to him for a private conversation. He wasn't certain that it was a good idea to ask, but he slightly trusted the president. He seemed like a very impartial person, he didn't care about the politics of their world, he just wanted to create.

And the fact that Kiro's suggestion of giving a discount to the poor wasn't met with resistance instead he helped the idea bloom into something amazing.