Tales From The Ring, III

There was an awkward pause, he looked straight into Lil's eyes and snorted. Turning his back on her, he couldn't believe her hypocrisy. She was always against killing, but if it was convenient for her she was clearly all for it.

Of course Jin wasn't going to give into her primal needs. He had his self and family to think about, he couldn't imagine what they'd do to his family if he killed one of them. He'd been selfish all this, why would he stop now.

"Did that idiot just snort at me, hey!! Dammit!" She was fuming. With Jin ignoring her, it only made matters worse.

"Lil, calm down will you? You know his situation, no matter how much you want to ignore it." Zak told her sagely.

"Oh yeah? If he wants to be understood he can say something!"

Their conversation wasn't heard, fortunately for them. The crowd drowned out anything that wasn't cheering for the gladiator or the rich brat brave enough to enter the ring.