Two Sides, Similar Goals

Hiro didn't know who had talked until he turned around to see his own father starring them down. His voice was deeper than he remembered, it also had a tinge of coldness that was very new for him.

The prisoners all wore expressions that could kill. You could see it in their eyes, they were all hungry, different starvation but one nonetheless. Some licked their lips wanting to kill, some were ready to do the same for their freedom.

Hiro couldn't recognise the man standing before him anymore, his kind eyes were no longer there. He just looked like a tired warrior, one that's fought thousands of battles not wanting to give and one that's killed thousands of enemies.

That's one thing he didn't want to think about, his father being a senseless killer. But he still wanted to save him, deep down inside of him, he didn't want to lose hope that he could still be saved.