Old Acquaintances

The place was built beautifully. Each room was spacious enough that it had up to three bedrooms and bathrooms, with a lounge too. Each bedroom had up to two beds.

They didn't choose their own, the dean had already designated where they'd be staying. The two couples chose two of the bedrooms, while the three boys would sleep in the third one.

All of them had brought their head gear, now they were just waiting for their guests so they could enter the game uninterrupted.

The TV was on, ever since they exposed what was happening in their society that's all the news talked about. Different theories and guests every day. It was scary how some theories were very close to reality.

They didn't have to wait for long because an hour later, the main door opened. About 45 students filed in, looking at the building in awe. They were all from the three academies they were going to play with.