Valhalla's Guild Master

Since they'd postponed going into another dungeon, Kiro was walking around the Capital's market. He was there to buy his beasts some nutritional meals, they've been worked to the bone they at least deserved a treat for it.

Aeron offered to tag along, so he was being dragged from one shop to another. He wanted more than anything to be friendly with his father's boss's son.

"Why are you barefoot?"

"Why not? They don't get dirty." He shrugged, picking up a second staff and trying dual wielding.

This made Ryu protest in anger, with a higher vibration than ever, he threatened to shake the entirety of Asgard.

"Calm down buddy, I'm not gonna replace you. I'm just trying something out."

Though that didn't seem to calm him down and Kiro accidentally dropped him. The staff continued to vibrate, until there was two of his weapon.