Tower Of Death, II

As much as what they saw was another world entirely, something was wrong with it. Kiro wasn't surprised seeing a world within Asgard, he's experienced something similar before.

His two compatriots however had their jaws on their knees. They could tell that, this was different from a typical dungeon.

It was vast and open land, nobody would call it beautiful. It was bombarded by millions of trenches on its body, telling a long tale of the things it had gone through. With all its scars, it still carried itself with dignity.

Mountains higher than those of Prometheus. But the world was devoid of life, so naturally, no trees, no plants to appeal to those who admired beauty.

The sky's were grey, cloudless but grey in colour. No sun to illuminate the chaos on the ground that aged it by at least a million years, but light was still there. The source of it was unknown.