Back To The Past

Kiro sat there dumbfounded, he was engulfed in smoke but he sat there quiet and seemingly calm on the surface. But his mind was going thousands of miles per second. He was trying to process all of what was being thrown at.

"You mean to say?"

"That's right," He answered taking a break from his smoke. "You remember the cave you found on your way to the capital?"

"The one that gave true blood potions as rewards? Yes."

"The writings there weren't all lies, just stretched out bits of truths. Our Lord is in a deep slumber right now, but before, he thought it would be helpful to give humans power to fend for themselves."

Chronos didn't have to explain anything further, he understood how humans were. He understood how they could get once they were drunk in power. But still...

"I can't believe it..." He murmered to himself.