Percival, Human From Earth

He quickly surmised that the ability was his wife's. She had hidden hers and he'd read every power they had in their world. There was nothing that could take them by surprise but this one...

For a second it looked as thought he'd split himself into at least a thousand of himself. But it only lasted for a few seconds, an illusion that had the enemy shaking in their boots.

That was also the queue for the rest of Percival's men to attack and so they did. While the man himself chased off his wife.

She suddenly stopped in front of a tilted, falling building. And out of nowhere a tail materialised out of nowhere. Percival was past the point of talking and asking questions.

So he went straight for her heart with his sword, which the tail easily parried. Shooting her pointed sharp tail straight for the eye. He put his sword where his eye was and tilted his head to the side to avoid the impact.