I Would Die If It Were You

Sekani didn't have the time to be hands on with the company. Philip was doing all the work, calling him every week for updates. The person who suffered the most was Wilfred, he went back and forth frequently.

He expressed he didn't mind doing this for his master more than once. At a certain point Sekani stopped asking, since he didn't want to be called Master.

His focus was entirely on the newborns.

Liyana, Gaia, Caspien and Rian were growing rather fast. Only over a month old and they could already move around, only with their stomachs.

Their fragile limbs couldn't quite carry them yet, so they dragged themselves across the safe room that was especially prepared for them.

Sekani couldn't remember how it was with Alora but to him, this seemed like they were growing unnaturally fast.