True Blood To The World

Kiro decided to leave the conversation. They were debating about a lot of different possibilities, but he was on his phone, before he could forgot he needed to do what Philip asked.

The girls didn't have a hard time accepting the news. They could see and feel how the others were, ontop of that, Hiro had recorded everything the system had explained to them. Making it easy to be believable even though the story sounded bogus.

"So the world of Asgard is like a failsafe world, since we humans aren't trustworthy? I'd like a word with these gods." Saanvi commented seriously.

"He's dying, you know?" Kiro said taking his eyes off his phone for a second. "Chronos, with all the meddling he did, it ended up killing him. He doesn't have a lot of time left."

"But he's a god?" Isla was utterly confused.

"Yes. And even gods have rules they cannot break but he gave his life for us. We better do him proud." He told them seriously.