Intimate Night

Kiro practically threw himself on the bed. If he wasn't in the game, he was helping James with cooking. He'd came by and asked for their help.

And since Kiro was the most experienced, he was chosen for that reason. He didn't mind getting away from all of it at least once a day.

They had to figure a way to level up and they had to figure it out faster. Kiro was currently compiling every high level dungeon he remembered from the past.

He even had a pad and a pen out, writing anything that came to mind. His theory was that, it's possible that his past memories vanish the moment Chronos ceases to exist.

He'll only have linear memories after his death, so he wanted to write down as much as possible. Even though it was just a theory, it was a plausible one.

"You thought I wouldn't notice how distant you've made yourself?"

"Mm." He'd be lying if he said he could hear her, he was still immersed in the many dungeons he remembered.