The Holy Grail

The darkness took him for what felt like a second. He was disoriented, Kiro couldn't tell where he was. But the thing he was sleeping on felt more comfortable, reminding him of his own bed.

Then, everything that happened came to him all at once. He was in a dungeon, with a harbinger whose head was the last thing he saw.

"Hubris!" He yelled waking up like he was coming out of a nightmare.

He could tell they were no longer in the dungeon. But the Hubris he'd seen was nowhere to be found, he was only greeted by Nikolai. He couldn't exactly hide his disappointment.

"So, I was hallucinating?" He couldn't believe how pained his heart felt, now that he knew Hubris wasn't part of the game his love for the hellhound grew unimaginably high.