Dinner at the Waynworth's

"Welcome...Sirs. Master Waynworth is expecting you, this way please."

He offered to take their coats and they gave him bottles of whiskey. Something that was tradition, when one was invited to another house for dinner they were expected to bring something.

There wasn't only Dean Whitmore and Jesùs, but also James. The man who helped Kiro and his friends with the first mission, to Wilfred he didn't look all that impressive.

In any case, he didn't say anything by him being there he instead lead them to the dining hall, where Sekani and Nikolai were setting up there table.

Sekani looked up at them entering and smiled a little.

"Ah, our guests. Thank you for coming." He said walking towards them and shaking their hands.

Jesús was most surprised that Sekani seemed to have been the one who prepared this meal. He didn't remember a time when he cooked for himself. He wasn't even sure he could cook.