The Train Back

Wilfred wasn't one to disobey an order but this one made him feel conflicted. He carefully listened for gun shots up the mountain but none came.

"Maybe I should trust him..." He sprung into action, taking Nikolai on one shoulder and dragging the dead body with another hand.

He entered the train and waited for exactly five minutes, when there was no sign of them through the trees, Wilfred hesitantly started the train. He felt bitter and strange, it felt wrong leaving his master behind.

But as with Nikolai's almost incomprehensible words, this was an order. An order he understood what it would achieve should the people at the top be the government good that were on Blakeson's pocket.

"Fuck..." He let out softly as the train flew away from the mountain. Wilfred was still looking back but it didn't take long before the mountain was completely out of sight.