" Are you doing this? " Junshi asked in excitement

" Of course silly," Jia said lightly punching him

He faked being hurt

Jia rolled her eyes again

He hugged her tightly and took a deep breath

" Today feels odd " Junshi muttered

" Should we go back then? " Jia asked

A dragon-like animal appeared.It looked like a dragon but it had no wings

" How are you doing? " Junshi asked with a soft smile

It made a low noise as a response. Junshi patted it and it left

" What's that called? " Jia asked staring at its receding figure

" Wyvern " Junshi replied nonchalantly

It returned shortly with a solid, honey colored hexagonal material

" How did you get this? " Junshi asked with excitement

The wyvern danced around in excitement

Junshi broke off a piece of the material and handed it to the Wyvern

The wyvern bowed and left

" How did you meet those guys? " Jia asked with interest

" Oh, you know, I used to come here a lot, " Junshi said casually

" What's that? " Jia asked pointing to the honey-colored material

" It's the honey of the emperor bee. That guy is dangerous as Fuck " Junshi answered with a sneer

" So what does it do? " Jia asked with a frown

" Helps to improve your Cultivation. Should we head out? " Junshi answered

Jia nodded in response

They walked out of the cave and their stalkers followed them patiently. They didn't seem to be in a hurry

They began to return slowly. They weren't in a hurry

They stopped by a rock to stare at the scenery for a couple of minutes before continuing

Junshi suddenly dropped dead. His fingertips became blue and he shut his eyes

" Cherry?Cherry?Please wake up . Don't do this. Cherry?Junshi? What's happening to you?? " Jia panicked

His body was extremely cold

" Cherry? Please wake up. Cherry?? " Jia panicked shaking Junshi's cold body

Raijin and Kagutsuchi appeared and levitated in the air

" We were looking for you guys," Raijin said with a light smile

There was a malicious glint in his eyes

They then swooped down

" Oh my. Miss Jia? You killed him " Kagutsuchi mocked

" What are you two doing here," Jia asked with a frown

" Didn't want us to discover your dirty act did you " Raijin mocked

Supreme Xue shortly appeared

" You treacherous little brat! You killed him. You killed Jun

How could you do this? All he ever did was be nice to you " Supreme Xue raved. Tears trickled from her eyes

" I didn't kill him. I swear. This is a misunderstanding " Jia tried to explain

" Don't you dare talk to me? You cold-blooded murderer " Supreme Xue spat coldly

" I gave you life and you dared to kill the one I love, " Supreme Xue said with growing anger

The temperature plummeted instantly

" My my Xue. Go away " Raijin coaxed

Supreme Xue faced Jia

" I will take something equally as important. I am going to take back my system from you " Supreme Xue said with a cold smile

* Ding! The system is leaving Host's body* The system displayed

* Extracting System from host's DNA

20/1 00 * The system displayed shortly after

" Xue, you don't want to do this. What about the war" Jia warned

" Fuck the war. I don't give a shit about the fucking war. If my damn world gets fucked up, I'll fucking rebuild it. Fuck you, Tianshi Xue. I should have left you to die back then " Supreme Xue cussed

Supreme Xue stretched her hand toward Jia

The eye of judgment, the cultivation technique appeared in Supreme Xue's hand

Jia laughed coldly

" Xue.I promise you will regret this " Jia spat

" Oh, then you can go to hell, " Supreme Xue said giving Jia the middle finger

* Extraction complete

100/100 * The system displayed

Jia didn't feel anything

" System! " Jia called out

She got no response

Jia felt the aura of death looming about her

" Shit! The soul ties " Jia murmured

Supreme Xue tried to hit Jia but Raijin stopped her

" Listen, Xue, Suck it up," Raijin said with gritted teeth

Supreme Xue slapped him and disappeared

It was just Raijin and Kagutsuchi that was left of the Supremes

" You guys should help out. Please " Jia said staring with teary eyes

" Get out of here. Murderers aren't allowed here. You're soon going to die anyway " Raijin said

" But but You guys brought me here. " Jia countered

" My my. You're so gullible " Raijin said with a smirk

" You guys should go and die elsewhere. I hate corpses. Wish to meet you in your next life Miss Jia " Kagutsuchi mocked

He opened a portal that sucked Jia and Junshi's body into it. Malicious grins were on the brother's faces

They laughed knowingly and vanished