Have I Stuffed Up?

“Hi, I’m Tatiana Nikolaev, Dimitri’s little sister.” She was very bubbly while wrapping me up in a hug, “Are you ok?” She asked, “Hi, Tatiana, I’m Rhiannon James, I think so just wish she would leave me alone though.” I whispered back to her. “Hopefully Dimitri will sort her out when he gets home.” She said, “He shouldn’t have to though she is an adult she needs to know what is right from wrong.” I told her, “That is so true, don’t worry about her the rest of us will like you, I’m just happy he has found someone he actually likes. I know you both are in the early stages so I’m backing off. Hopefully, you guys work out for the long hall.” She said, “Thank you it was nice meeting you.” I said before she rushed off into her house, yelling behind her, “You to babe!” I don’t mind her at all, she is friendly that is for sure.

I headed back to my own home, feeling more tired than normal, I didn’t even go looking for mum or Charlotte just headed right to my room. After all of that now I am unsure if I want to see Dimitri tonight after all of that, locking my bedroom door while I jump in the shower, and twenty minutes later standing in my room naked trying to figure out what I want to wear tonight, finally choosing to wear cute around the house white dress with pale pink flowers. Opening up my side door and windows as there is a nice breeze coming in from the pool bringing in cool air, quickly blowdrying my hair then I did my make-up naturally. I would just rest my head for a little bit why am I feeling so drained? Maybe I just walked more than I thought I did. What should I do, should I try and date both of these men at the same time? Or dump one and see the other and who would be the one to be dumped off? Or even trying for a threesome with them? Which I have never done before and just thinking about it is turning me on so much. I start to drift off with the TV softly playing a tv show that I am no longer paying attention to.

Waking up to someone in my bed, I go to scream when the person spoke up, “Shhh it’s me Rhiannon.” Dimitri whispered, I sat upright away looking right at him in shock and horror. “What the fuck Dimitri!” I cried out, “I came over as you didn’t show up or answer your phone, your sister said it would be ok.” He said, “Do my parents know you are in here?” I asked, “Don’t know had only seen Charlotte outside when I had come over, she said your main door was locked so try the other one, I can go back to my place if you don’t want me here.” He said, sitting up and looking like he was going to leave I grabbed his arm.

“No stay, just be a little quiet I don’t want my brother to hear you,” I said, “He is not home,” He told me I looked at him oddly, “How do you know that?” I asked, “Charlotte said he went out to a bar with his co-workers.” He said, “God how long have you been watching me sleep?” I asked, “Not long spent most of the time with her chatty away, I like her she is a great sister to you. She went off to bed so I thought I would try your patio bedroom door, to only find you sound asleep looking so fucking sexing.” He whispered. “I look sexy in my sleep?” I asked, “Yes.” He said.

I need to tell him, it’s not fair to him and the other guy already knows about him, we cuddle up to each other on my bed, I like this, I like what he is doing to me. “I need to tell you something.” I whispered, “What is it beautiful?” He asked, “You may not like it?” I told him, “It’s ok keep going, love.” He said, noticing that I’m having issues in telling him, he gave my hip a gentle rub, “Um another man is also interested in dating me too.” I said so fast, the arm that is already around me tightened, “Does that mean you want to end this?” He asked so quietly, I sat up so fast and in sheer shock, “Good god no! I was thinking of seeing both of you at the same time. He knows about you and it doesn’t bother him, felt right in telling you about it too.” I said looking down at my hands and avoiding his eyes.

I feel really guilty for wanting this, “Have you already slept with him?” He asked, I looked up then, “No, he has only kissed me.” I said, “Do you want to sleep with him?” He asked, I cannot read the tone of his voice just yet. “Unsure on that one, the kiss was good, but the attraction I have for you is stronger, however, I have been wanting to try a threesome with you both…” I trailed off after I realise I sounded like a royal slut. I noticed when I had said I have a strong attraction towards him he smiled, the rest of the time I couldn’t read his face. “I have had a threesome with two girls before but never with another guy before, have you?” He asked, clearly not caring about myself sounding easy, this is good right?

“I have never had one before.” I said, “So what is it you want to do?” He asked, “What do you mean?” I asked, “Having another person on the side never goes well for all involved sweetheart.” He said. “You sound like your talking from past examples?” I asked, “Yes. So my question is for you, do you want to risk everything we have started for another dick that could have you lose everything?” He asked, “I don’t know Dimitri, you do things no other man has ever done to me before and that alone scares me.” I whispered, “So instead of exploring those feelings you want to go to someone else when I’m not with you? Sounds a bit like cheating to me beautiful.” He said also sounding hurt too, “I don’t want to cheat Dimitri, that’s why I thought I would talk to you before doing anything, I won’t do anything if you say no.” I told him.