The country was already having a passive income with the oil and moreover, the dictator build more casinos across the country. In fact he built 6 more gambling house across the beach demolishing more residential houses. The gambling house might earn or lose money but for the dictator, without trying it even he couldn't predict the future.
While the dictator was busy building the casinos, more houses were burning down and more people shouting to end the suffering. Of course, as more houses turn into ashes, more buildings were to be bulldoze. At one point even the dictator bulldozes the wrong house. So due to too many houses were to be bulldoze, the dictator puts up a decree that if there were people unsatisfied living in the country, the dictator would bulldoze their houses.
One day, a meteor suddenly showered down the country, and the dictator could just hoped that the meteor doesn't strike the oil rig. As for the residential area, the dictator don't gave any care about it. If the meteor does strike the residential area, the dictator would be more happy as it would made the dictator less houses to bulldoze.
Most of the meteor indeed just hit the mountain area with 31 people died. The dictator after hearing the news, were happy due to the dictator assuming that those people that died were planning a coupe or something.
While the country doesn't really gotten any damage, one of the government official was proposing to expand the coal mine which according to the dictator was a good use of the countries money. So the dictator gets to work and builds more coal mine with the idea that more coal, more money.
The worker on the other hands, were not really treated well as they were paid peanuts. Their safety on the working site wasn't any good either. Overall, the workers were shouting that they're dying and in need of help from the government. But, the usual action of the dictator was to ignore those voices which he does. In the end, nearly the whole countries citizen would came to the government building and protest there from morning till the night.