More problems

As time goes by, the sewer started to get backed up due to not enough sewage plant. So the dictator build another sewage plant on the beach. The sewage plant would be built next to the casinos. So both the sewage plant would be pumping sewage out into the beach and sea.

While the sewage problem was somewhat solved, there was more problem deep inside the country. There wasn't even any schools in the country. Some of the people even complained that the children would grow up becoming a criminal with no school. It felt like the children living in the country would had a really dark future. However, the dictator said that school was useless. Everything could just be self-taught.

With a lot of people protesting in front of the government building, the dictator planned to made a party to drive the people protesting away. The dictator sets up lots of firework to chase away all the protester. And actually, it really works. Most of the protester gone away.

The government needed to made another department for control and to show that the dictator did some work. Obviously the department of safety and department of education and health would be one of the most important department the country needed, however, as usual, the dictator instead made the decision to create department of tourism to garner more tourism into the country. This move indeed creates more uproar as more people came and protest in front of the government building.

The situation of the casinos was a bit grim due to the casinos losing a lot of money. The dictator theorize that due to the smell of the sewage, less people would came to the casinos to gamble. But after some researching, the real reason that the casinos were losing money would be due to zero tourist coming into the country.

To garner more interest from the tourist, the dictator decided to built a ball of twine on the people houses and destroying more of their houses. It's as if the dictator really cared about any of their tourist. Not giving them anything that could improve their living standard and instead slowly destroying their life.

After building the ball of twine, more tourist started to gain some interest of the country in itself and the country had a really high demand of tourist. This would be beneficial for the dictator image and impact towards the countries.