With high demands for tourist, the dictator builds a hotel for those tourist coming into the country. But due to the lack of lands in the country, the dictator decides to built the hotel in the residential zone. By destroying four low residential houses, the dictator builds a five star hotel. After the hotel were being built, the government funds disappear like a flash. This prompt the dictator to increase taxes across the board. The citizens were happy as the government raises taxes thinking that their money would finally be put into good uses.
Of course, the dictator finally put the people's hard earn money into use. Not a good use though. The dictator decided to built a house befitting of his style. He built his house on the mountain far away from the people but just high enough to see all of the citizens suffering down there. In addition to that, he built a bridge especially just for the dictator to access his mansion. Another reason the dictator built his house on the mountain was so that he couldn't be murdered by the people. So instead of building a police station or a fire station or the schools or even the mostly needed hospital, the dictator as usual decided to built his own fantasy.
The backside of the dictator houses were a barbeque area where the dictator and some of his friends could party while looking at the oil rig and also could look down at all of those people suffering due to the dictator.
During the party the dictator was holding, one of his guest were asking if there should be a gambling headquarters. This idea does pique the interest of the dictator as a way to reduced the lost money in some of the casinos. However, due to the lack of funds, the dictator decided against it for now. However, if the money came back, the dictator would built a casino headquarters.
After the party, the dictator decided that the barbeque area wasn't enough, so he built a temple as grand as an European church. The temple would be symbolic of what the peoples blood and tears were used for in the government.
Then, to increase the amount of tourist, he built a skyscraper obviously on the residential houses evicting them from living in the country. The dictator was a bit concerned when he built the skyscraper thinking that it would be a really huge building but the inside would had nothing in it.
The dictator houses were in a really good place far away from all the shout of pain and suffering from its citizen. Also the risk of fire spreading to the dictator house would be as low as one percent due to the dictator houses being far away from the normal residential houses.