Ring was thinking of ways to clear the whole game while walking when suddenly, he stumbled across a radio. This made him realized that he could use the radio to try contacting the rebels through some codes. But before sending those codes, he needed to find some all he could use to escape this stupid game. So, walking through the whole game zone searching for ally while at the same time trying to kill the participant who were trying to murder him to collect enough points.
The next thing Ring was preparing was weapons that he could use to escape. The more weapons he had, the safer it was for him to be able to escape the game. Not only would he be buying weapons at the safe zone, he would also be stealing weapons from the dead. In the end, one of the most important stuff Ring would need to be able to escape from the hell the dictator had made, a costume. Specifically, the costume the guard of the game was wearing. In order to uncover the truth of the dictator silly game, it would be important for Ring to knew the game system. The risk of Ring to disguise as the guard of the game would be dangerous since if he was found out, he would be guaranteed to be murdered by the dictator.
Once he secured the costume, he would directly be entering the lions den. He was searching for any evidence that the dictator had violates the human rights through this dangerous game. What he uncovered was much more scarier than he expected.
Once securing the evidence and allies, he would be contacting the rebels to notify them that he would be escaping. The escape plan was that at midnight, when most of the guards were asleep, Ring and his allies would kill them using knifes to made sure that less guards could target them. Then, walking through the forged key Ring had made, he and his allies would escaped through the ocean where he would be getting a speedboat from the rebels to escaped. In the end, he and the rebels would escaped with minimal damages and evidence of crimes the dictator had made.