Human shield

The rebels were bombing the dictator area nonstop. A lot of the houses were burned down and roads were destroyed. The amount of people lying on the street full of blood would be uncountable. The civil war had shift its side from the dictator gaining more power towards the rebels controlling more area. The problem the rebels currently had was that the dictator military had been resistant in some area as there were more militants. However, with the help of the US, the rebels had been gaining more areas at lightning speed.

Ring had escaped the game and at the same time rejoining the rebels. He would be giving evidence to the rebel leader to be reviewed. All of the crimes the dictator had done in the country were planned to be released to the United Nations in the effort for them to send in some troops to help the rebels gained freedom in the country. Without the addition of the troops from the United Nations or the helped from other countries, the rebels would not be able to won the civil war against the dictator as their troops would be gone with the guerilla tactic the dictator military was using.

Once the data had been made, the rebels were sending those to the United Nations. The only thing they could did now would be praying for their request for more troops to be granted. In the mean time, they would be defending their area against the dictator military. The military were using their own people as the shield. This was the dictator idea as he knew that the resources the dictator had would be limited. So he came up with the idea of human shield in which he told the military to use endless number of the sick people in his country. This idea wasn't really accepted by some of the military personnel saying that this was too inhumane even if they support the dictator. But the dictator had a plan. He had equipped all the people in his country with a collar that would kill them using poison if they dare to deny the dictator desire. The collar would inject the poison into the people body which would highly likely to kill them. So most of the military personnel doesn't have any say with the dictator suggestion.

The rebels seeing what the military personnel has been using as the shield would be baffled due to the stupid idea for the dictator to try to massacre its own people like they were his pet. This made them more frustrated that the dictator would go to any degree just for his desire. It also made some of the rebels feeling disheartened by the thing the dictator had done. Also, with the human meat shield, the dictator had been able not to only defend their own area, but also taking some of the area the rebels had already took.