An awkward silence quickly engulfed inside Mr. Aslanov's office. Sumire remained deeply staring into his foxy emerald green eyes as if it was pulling her under. It's gleaming in dark and mystery but tantalizing at the same time.

Her eyes traverse down his perfectly prominent nose and his kissable lips that pursed. His messy slick midnight hair with a tinge of dark blue hue matches the aloofness of his gorgeous face that is now eminent. Sumire gulped and was intensely blushing in their awkward position. The man remained looking serious and frowned while staring down at her.

The maiden did not realize that she is now biting her lower lip.

"What is up and you seem excited?"

The green-eyed man asked in a deep voice. His accent is perfectly good! So sexy and pleasing to the ears. The woman drew a huge grin on her lips. Her mesmerizing black-gray eyes twinkled like a starry night under her fluttering eyelashes. They are so dark and sweetly tended to. They also brighten up the hair and the lips and really compliment the rest of her face.

By then she excitedly began to chatter exuberantly about her collection.

"I got excited because the painting behind you was made by Death. A mysterious artist who paints crime arts. And that painting ..." Sumire pointed at the painting behind the young man. She was still sitting on his lap while her left hand was resting on the man's chest and her right hand was pointing at the painting. Mr. Aslanov was leaned against on the backrest of the swivel chair and he tightened his grip on the maiden's waist so that she may not fall over on the side when she recklessly moved on top of him. "... is called the "Vulture, The Dècés", and I have one of that."

Sumire said in a euphonious shrill, her smile was so brilliant from ear to ear while staring intently at the nitty-gritty details of the skeletal Vulture devouring alive the dying fellow Vulture.

That painting was very dark and disturbing but Sumire felt the other way around. Instead of being scared by its grim appearance, she was even more intrigued and mystified by the painting and he could see it in the maiden's eyes. The young man just stared at her, eyes devoid of any emotion.

Sumire gazes and meets his eyes down. She was intensely blushing in red due to the exciting feeling when she saw the painting. The exhilarating feeling she has is boundless. She never thought he have one. Sumire flashes a sweet smile.

"Actually, I have collected 50 pieces of Death's paintings. And I secure them on one of my floors. All of Death's paintings are there perfectly organized inside."

At the same time, she took her cellphone from the sling bag, while the young man just quietly looked at what Sumire was doing. His gaze was fixed on Sumire's hand, got something inside her bag until the maiden got her phone.

"Got it!"

Sumire immediately opened her brand phone and she was humming merrily while scanning the images saves in the phone's gallery. Mr. Aslanov remained silent as he saw a few of Sumire's photos along with two people: the slim young man with a visage of a woman and a serious-looking lady wearing a three-piece business suit. He notices that the maiden has no selfies. The man also saw the floor she was pertaining to where Death's painting was placed.

It's a private art gallery, an exhibition room. A huge space filled with paintings that vary in size. Each painting has its own pedestal and engraved there the name of the painting on the gold and silver plate, and then encasing them in a glass case.

Only one word can describe those arts. Disturbing.

"See! See!"

She squealed in a shrill voice. The young green-eyed man, on the other hand, slightly backed away when the maiden brings her phone too close to his face that its screen almost touch the tip of his nose. He saw the stolen shots of Death's painting in a perfect angle that she idolizes the most. Her eyes sparkled in delight and smiled widely at him. Mr. Aslanov's arms were immediately encircled around Sumire's waist who was comfortably sitting on his lap when the maiden moved again.

The young man was amazed deep inside but he just didn't show it. His face remains stoic and expressionless.

The maiden hummed happily and rocked her legs like a child. She went back scanning the photos with her eyes twinkling and a beaming smile regardless of the hard and big bulge she was sitting on.

She turns and looks up at him deeply. "You know, my dream is to meet Death in person. I've been dreaming all day and night to be in his embrace, to be with him forever, no, for eternity. And I want to have a one-night stand with him."

She shamelessly confessed and once shyly look away from him but that naughty smile never fades. She was thrilled at the naughty scenario playing in her mind. 'Damn, just thinking about him makes me wet. Hihihi...'

The young man just stared into Sumire's eyes who keep on blabbering. His lips were tightly closed. Mr. Aslanov didn't know what to react or say to the maiden especially since he is the one Sumire is referring to and looking for. The real artist of the paintings the maiden collected, hidden in the pen name of "Death".

"I was gonna--"

Sumire was interrupted when the office door creaked and her hands quickly hold his necktie out of astonishment and pulled the tie down, bringing his face close to her. By then, the door opened widely and the man who had been insulting her in the lobby earlier, Mr. Aslanov secretary's came in, holding a sort of catalog.

The silver-haired man was standing puzzled at his feet. He couldn't believe in his eyes what he saw and even fixed his eyeglass that was sliding down his pointed nose.

His boss is hugging her! And his first newly discovered specie is now leeching his Big Boss!

Sumire and Mr. Aslanov turn to face him at the same time at the stunned secretary who is now staring at the two of them. The secretary meaningfully looked at the two arms of his Boss that were encircled around Sumire's waist and hips and the maiden holding Mr. Aslanov's necktie and leaned lightly on his Boss, sitting on his lap. They remained in that position for a minute.

'What is going on?'

The secretary curiously asked inside his mind. Sumire immediately left Mr. Aslanov's lap and the young gentleman immediately hold her right arm, helping her down so that the maiden wouldn't trip over again.

'Something's fishy about the way she's acting.'

Her cheeks flushed hard at the secretary's suspicious stare at her and completely stripped off her broken heel. She walked down barefooted. The secretary looked at her dubiously.

'What did this homo Erectus do to my boss? What is she planning to do?'

The silver-haired man with a pair of arctic blue eyes piercingly darted on her without letting go of his suspicious look on the maiden. Sumire felt that dagger look piercing on her skin. She's having goosebumps all over her body.

She pass through him holding her sling bag and broken heels while her head was lowered down in embarrassment. Sumire never throws a glance at him and walks directly without looking back.

'I should keep an eye on her.' The secretary added in his mind before finally addressing his boss. The green-eyed man remained seated in his swivel chair like nothing suspicious happened. He just ignored his secretary’s interruption earlier and went back to check the files again.

"Boss, this is the auction catalog of the Viccini Auction house."

Sumire who was approaching the door slightly surprised by what she heard. Because the 5 stolen paintings of Death will also be auctioned there. 'Viccini...'

She stop walking and once turn her back and face them only to find they were looking at her.


The secretary strictly said made her frown at him. 'That tadpole always getting on my nerves!' She glared at him and hissed under her breath.

"You can now fly away and go back to your kind, Miss Dermatobia hominis."

Sumire's nostrils flared in anger and was about to throw her heels on the secretary when she saw Mr. Aslanov eyeing her intently. 'One, two, three...' she counted to calm herself.

She flashed a malicious smile at the secretary and looking cutesy at the Boss at the same time. Before Sumire bid her bye to Mr. Aslanov, her eyes caught the date and time when the auction would be held.