After she was finally out, Sumire randomly entered the other office door of the building to wait for the man. She happened to enter an office shimmering in silver-white that differs and sole color among the dark-brown office doors in the building. The maiden just ignore the signboard with the word "NO FILTHY ANIMALS ALLOWED" outside the door.

The maiden just burst inside and confidently entered the suite. She strides inside like she owns the place.

The bedazzling room opened up to her. Sumire felt like she was in heaven. The stuffs inside are neatly organized and sparkled. Each corner was shimmering in a silver hue. As if even dust were ashamed to invade this place.

Sumire squinted her eyes when she was finally inside. 'It's so shiny!'

Everything inside seemed to be sanitized, and even the air inhaled seemed to have been sterilized. The office has a hospital scent that lingers inside with alcohols and an anti-bacterial refreshener. The design of the office suite is very simple. It has only small embellishments that scintillate into silver-white. The office suite was also spacious.

Sumire wanders around, eyes perusing each corner. On the right side of the office wall, is an oversized bookshelf containing Science Criminalistic books and many more with a white cover. They are all arranged in their sizes, from smaller to bigger ones.

"It's like I've read almost all of these books. They're all familiar to me." Sumire said to herself as she read the titles on the side of the book.

The maiden continued to look further inside. Sumire went to the left side of the wall when she saw the painting of three biblical angels: The first one is the Cherubim, an animal-human hybrid, depicts as having four faces facing each direction: that of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a human. They have straight legs, four wings, and bull hooves for feet that gleam like polished brass. One set of wings covers their body, and the other is used for flight. Followed with Seraphim, “the flaming one” having six wings, two of which are for flying, while they use the rest to cover their heads and feet. The third one is The Ophanim, or “the wheels,” which is arguably the most bizarre being made out of interlocking gold wheels with each wheel’s exterior covered with multiple eyes. The radiating wheels were sparkling like diamonds in the sun. All four wheels looked alike, each like a wheel within a wheel.

Sumire stared intently at the painting as her brows knitted into a frown.

"This isn't my type of painting but they look quite familiar to me. I think I saw them in the fiction book. This may be Cherubim, Seraphim, and Ophanim ..." the maiden pointed at the painting on the wall. It took her a few more minutes scrutinizing its details before she turned her attention to something else.

Sumire stared up and saw on the ceiling a large eye-shaped light that illuminated the office suite. The spiral inside is white and is surrounded by black paint from the outside. Sumire raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"What a bizarre light bulb."

Her gaze quickly darted to the desk. Instead of a pile of documents, Sumire can see bottles of expensive and different high-class disinfectants placed in there. They are also arranged according to their sizes. She also spotted behind the silver swivel chair a collection of different surgical medical tools attached to the silver wall.

"If I am not mistaken, these are killer strabismus, forceps, Gruenwald Jansen ..."

Sumire pointed at each one of them and even rubbed her chin. 'Wow, the owner of this room might be a doctor and a clean freak.'

Sumire approached the table and she quickly saw the desk nameplate and read it.

"So, this is Klauss Michaelis' office."

Sumire then turns around and found the white sofa nearby. Touching her hand to her mouth, she loudly yawned. The maiden was about to approach the sofa when her phone suddenly rang. It was her manager, Eiryss.

Sumire immediately answered the call but even before she could put the phone to her ear, she quickly pulled it away when the person on the other line suddenly shrilled gaiety and loudly.

"Sumiiiiii, iiiiiiiiiiHHHH!!!!!!"

A woman cries out loud. Sumire's eyes squinted as she looked at her phone where she could hear Eiryss screaming at the top of her lungs. Her face was expressionless.

Sumire waited for Eiryss to finish screaming and the manager stopped after a few minutes. When the maiden was certain that the person on the other line was now quiet, she then put the phone to her ear.

"What's happening?"

"You have a new biggest project, and guess what?" Eiryss opened up to her quickly but even before Sumire could answer, Eiryss preceded her. "You are working with your favorite actor, Trevor Gordeux!" Eiryss squealed again on the other line.

Sumire wanted to squeal in joy but that was replaced by disappointment when she heard her manager say something unlikeable to hear.

"But one of the artists you are working with is Victoria Scarlet, who is the second lead of the romance drama series," Eiryss added in a low tone. The intense hype and excitement she had earlier gradually faded away and felt the other way around. Eiryss felt dismayed and it can be heard in her tone, the amount of energy she has greatly decreased!

When Eiryss mentioned Victoria's name, they both fell silent. A few minutes later, Eiryss opened up and asked.

"Will you accept this project or not?" The manager asked in a low tone still.


Sumire immediately agreed and dropped the call and she just heaves a sigh.


At the long table of a private room, the movie production team gathered for an important meeting. On the left side of the table sat Victoria Scarlet and her manager while on the left side sat Trevor Gordeux and his manager. The directors, scriptwriters, producers sat were on the right edge of the table, and on the left edge stood Eiryss, Sumire's manager.

After the call ended, Eiryss faced them with a big smile on her face, and her eyes sparkles in joy. Everybody in the room waited for her.

"Sumire said yes."

The producers, directors, and other team punches into the air in delight by what Eiryss said. They were all relieved and warm fuzzies quickly filled the place. They thought that Sumire would reject them, especially since Victoria Scarlet was included in the said project.

The ambiance inside the room was light and everyone is happy when Sumire finally accepted the project except on the left side of the table which was getting darker. A woman wearing heavy makeup and big round earrings, with her arms folded on her chest and legs crossed under the table. Her face darkened in anger. She was tall and has a curvaceous body. Victoria Scarlet has a seductive side. She had a reputation being an attention-seeker, proud, and always comparing herself to Sumire.

Trevor's manager flashed a smile at Eiryss and she smiled back. Eiryss immediately felt Victoria's piercing glare on her. The actress' glare made Eiryss slightly flinched. Victoria badly wanted Sumire to back out from the project so that she could be the female lead. But unfortunately, fate didn't listen to her. She will always be second no matter how hard she tried to surpass Sumire.

Eiryss just raised an eyebrow at Victoria and rolled her eyes at the actress at the same time before turning her gaze back to the director.

Eiryss excuses herself in the meeting room. After she left, Victoria immediately followed her.

Eiryss was just about to enter the elevator when Victoria suddenly pulled her harshly and grip her left arm tightly making the manager stop from stepping inside the elevator.

"What is your damn problem?" Eiryss asked angrily, eyes filled with fury when she confronted the actress. 'Damn, it hurts!' she hissed.

"Why did Sumire accept the project when she knows I was one of the casts on the project?"

Victoria asked rudely as she still hadn't removed her grip on Eiryss' arm.

"Sumire accepted the project because it was offered to her. And her decision has nothing to do with you." Eiryss answered defiantly.

"Oh, come on! Everyone here at the KCA building knows the project won't work out if we're working together."

Victoria scoffs and at the same time rolls her eyes as her. Eiryss' eyebrows creased for thinking how intellectually stupid Victoria is. 'And she boldly compares herself to my darling Sumire. Tsk.'

"Yes, everybody knows including you. So, why don't you just quit?" Eiryss sarcastically said and Victoria's grip on her arm tightened even more.

“If you want the project to be successful, it’s either you quit or do your part and give your best so you don’t get eaten alive with Sumire’s talent that usually happens."

Eiryss added and smirked once rebuked Victoria's hand and give her a cold look. She left the actress reddened, blushing with anger. Victoria left in the place and she started cursing Sumire in loathe.

"Damn you, Sumire!"