Narco boarded in his favorite sports car, Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Wearing his formal business black tuxedo, he is on his way to the MDA company. When he arrived at the building, Narco was greeted by the firm's employees who came in and out and in the lobby. Hordes of female employees simply glance at him, shrilled gaiety in the corner calling him names and praises, while some of them give him a seductive look.

'I know I'm gorgeously hot and handsome, no need to scream my name out loud, ladies' Narco boasts to himself.

"Tsk. Women ..."

The tanned gorgeous man just gave them a playful smile that made them squeal piercingly in the place. Narco just shooked his head and went straight to the elevator.

He was loaded inside the glassed elevator. Narco frequently glance at his expensive watch which was worth almost 15 million. When he reached the top floor, Narco's strides were big as he headed towards the executive room where the 12 shareholders of the company were waiting.

Few employees were roaming around the hallway, greeting and bowing after him one after another. Narco returned them with a pleasing smile as he passed in front of them.

Waves of murmurs and chatters greeted him when he entered the room. All 12 shareholders gathered at a large rounded table while waiting for the CEO of the MDA company to arrive.

Each shareholder has the black folders placed in their front, unopened. It was a new report made by Klauss that was just given to them earlier.

“Good morning to the 12 hardworking executives who have developed and brought fortune to this company,” wearing a big smile, Narco greeted them with great enthusiasm. "I'm Narco, the acting president for today's meeting. I will be discussing the money laundering that happened at the company." He added.

The shareholders gaze at his place with puzzled faces. Their ages range from 38 to 50. They were shocked when Klauss submitted a newly revised report about the exceeded money stolen. Anger and marveled at the same time as the crime is well executed. It was a clean move! The thief manage to fool and corrupt the financial reports and even had the legal signatures of the accounting manager and the CEO. Brilliant!

One of them suddenly asked.

"How is it possible that bastard manages to penetrate when the company's security is tight, especially in the accounting department."

A middle-aged man with small rubbles on his face asked. He was also neatly dressed in a formal suit looking so stern and proper in his seat.

"I'm afraid to say this fella but there's always a smart ass devil out there destined to crash and test your security to see the flaw in your system. So, he shouldn't be arrested."

Narco said seriously while sitting properly on the CEO's chair, both hands clasped.

"You mean white hackers?" Another shareholder in a formal navy blue business tuxedo asked.

"Indeed." Narco agreed with him and proceeded, "Shouldn't you all thank him? Now we know how to mend, improve and strengthen the company's flaws and security." The young tanned guy added, once flashed a mischievous grin in his mind.

"I guess he's a hero," said the shareholder next to him and start munching the cookies.

‘Wow. They are dumb as fuck,' Narco uttered in his mind as he looked at the middle-aged shareholders in front of him.

"He is no hero. He committed a crime by stealing the exceeded money. If his intention was to test the security of the company he should have stolen nothing."

The second shareholder wearing an eyeglass cast Narco a scrutinizing look. The man looks like he used to be a nerd in college. Very perceptive and skeptical of them all.

"How ungrateful. You have been helped to strengthen your security but here you are calling him names."

Narco defended. Frowned, the shareholders had now darted a suspicious look at the young man. They are all seriously looking at him.

"You're being unreasonable. And why are you defending that theft?"

The tone of irritation can be heard by another shareholder at Narco defending the criminal who took a tremendous amount of money from the company's coffers.

"Relax, I'm just being rational here." Chill out, Narco slyly smiled and the glint of playfulness flash in his eyes caused them to flare their nostrils out of anger. His nasty attitude made them abhor the young guy.

"Stop this nonsense. We only came here to find out the shameless miscreant causing us trouble."

One of the shareholders quickly mediates when he senses the arousing temper of the men around lingered in the place. Narco coughed slightly at what he heard.

"Okay, then. Open the last page." Narco said in a serious tone and full of confidence. The shareholders opened their respective folders and Narco's face appeared right in their eyes with a mischievous smile.

They looked at the photo and Narco back and forth. The detail of the drawing was quite exquisite. No doubt he is the one they are looking for. Narco hadn't opened the last page of the report where his face was drawn on the sheet. Klauss had Narco's face sketched by the expert crime artist.

"And here I am wondering why you are so defensive. It turns out that you are the culprit."

Said another shareholder who was sitting at the very end of the table once showing the sketched visage of the true theft to the young man. They cast an obnoxious and degrading look on Narco.

Flash a lopsided grin, Narco uttered. "I guess I am. Didn't Engr. Aslanov compensates you bigger? So kind gentlemen, why don't you slip it aside and-" Narco couldn't finish what he was going to say when the door of the room suddenly opened and the two policemen barge inside and interrupted him.

The two officers quickly handcuffed the young man in front of the MDA shareholders. Narco didn't resist.

"Man, you're kinky," Narco said with a teasing smile given to the police on his right side. "I don't mind adding leash and collar on my neck, and blindfold too," Narco added but he got no response from the officers. Without a word uttered, he was dragged out of the executive room.

While Narco was escorted out by two policemen, Don Zagreus got up from his seat to leave the office.

"I hope this would be the last time you set foot in my company," Mort said coldly to the Don. "Keep in mind that I'm not going back to the organization." He added.

Don Zagreus' jaw clenched. He didn't find it pleasing to ears at what he heard from the grandson. Laurel suddenly butts in, standing frowning next to the Don.

"Are you for real?" She hissed and annoyingly look at Mort. "Leaving the organization while keeping their name, isn't it pathetic?" She mockingly added.

"No one is asking for your opinion." Mort, on the other hand, coldly rebuked the tomboyish lady who acted like a man in a boxing ring.

"Suit yourself. But I can't allow you to leave the organization completely without giving me, my great-grandson."

Don Zagreus said in a serious tone. Standing stoic and unbothered, Mort was no longer surprised. "Four months from now you have to attend the family dinner at the mansion. We will introduce you to the heiress of another Mafia clan. You better be there or there will be a war." The old man seriously declared. His word is absolute. A no means a war.

There was no trace of emotion at Mort cruising in his eyes looking indifferently at Don Zagreus. His visage was as hard as a block of glaciers at the South Pole. Cold and lifeless.

Don Zagreus, Laurel, and Micha, together they striding out leaving Mort alone in the office. The three of them were stopped at the doorstep of the office when they met Narco who was handcuffed and escorted by two police.

"Hey Mischa, I just want to tell you that I'm innocent. They wrongly accuse me." Narco said to the young beautiful lady who was looking at his handcuffs. "How old are you again? He added.

Mischa looked up at him. "I'm fifteen," she replied once staring at the two handsome officers.

"Oh, that's perfect!" Narco exclaimed as he stand closer to Mischa. "You can stand as my witness and tell them how genuine and pure my soul is. Do you know how clean I am, right?"

Mischa immediately looked him in the eye and crossed her arms on her chest, while her thumb gently rubbed off her chin. Don Zagreus who was silent and eyebrows knitted into a frown and Laurel, who was standing behind Mischa, kept staring at them.

"Well, you own a CLEANING company. I guess that makes you clean." She honestly said that Narco smiled and turned to the officer on his left side.

"Did you hear that? You got to trust the kid's words. Kids never lie." Narco flashes a smile displaying his perfect set of oyster teeth to the officer. But the tinge of corruption is noticeable in his eyes.

The officer just gives him a blank stare.

"Deny all you want, we have strong evidence against you."

The police officer on his right side replied. Narco sighed and turned his gaze to the officer on the side, looking pitifully.

"Do you know how many prisoners have not been convicted rightfully by the law? I am one of them." The young man convinces the officer with his puppy look but he appears a very naughty cat. "This is clearly made up to destroy my name and innocence to cover up the bigger mess," Narco added once glancing meaningfully at Mischa's place.

"He is right!" Staring up at the police officer, Mischa quickly defended him and once turn to face Narco. "But you still have to prove your innocence and not guilty of the crime they accuse you of." She added. Narco was about to utter when the office door suddenly opened and Mort spat from there.

"Bring him to the prison cell,"

Mort commanded the two officers who immediately obeyed. The two policemen held Narco's arms and pulled him to leave but Narco suddenly turned around to face Mort.

"But I am your son," Narco begged and pouted, face contorted into a pitiful look. But this cutesy act of him never works on Mort.

"Indeed." Emotionless, Mort said coldly without even throwing a glance at the young fella. Narco turns to face the two officers in disbelief.

"I will always remember this day." He murmured to himself and let the officers pull him.

The four of them watch how Narco was dragged out of the place. Mischa was stunned looking at the empty hall. When Narco finally disappeared from their sight, Don Zagreus suddenly spoke.

"Why are you still keeping that untamed brat?" The old man asked Mort that his grandson had just turned his back on him.

"Who knows," Mort replied while rudely shutting the door in front of their faces. Shocked and jaw-dropped, Mischa looked at the closed door.

"See? He is an untamed one, too." Mischa ejaculated. Two hands were already on her waist. Laurel frowned.

"Damn, I forgot to give my calling card to Narco. I'm willing to be his lawyer even though it's obvious that he's the corrupted one." Laurel mumbled once gently slapping on her forehead. Mischa and Don Zagreus looked at her.

"Shall we go home?" Mischa asked, clinging to her grandfather's arms. Laurel nodded to her in response.

"Let's go."

After Don Zagreus, Mischa and Laurel left the MDA building, Mort came out of his office. He immediately went to the basement parking lot and got in his Bugatti La Voiture Noire car and left the place. He made his way to the exclusive villa where Sumire lives.

After a few hours of driving out of the Brethren city, Mort arrived in the exclusive suburb. It was a private property owned by Sumire Caste-Leone Massoullève. Her modern deluxe home stands beautifully facing the wide blue ocean.

But before Mort could finally enter the big gate of the luxurious villa, the young man was parked at the intersection road not far away from her home when he saw the unfamiliar car.

Trevor came out of the red Ferrari car and opened the door for the maiden. From there emerged the most captivating woman Mort's eyes ever landed on. Trevor reaches for her hand and assists her out of the car.

"Thank you, Trevor." Sumire humbly thanked him and displayed a lovely smile to her co-actor. Her beguiling smile reaches on her eyes that didn't escape from Mort's gaze.

"Your welcome, Milady." Chuckled, Trevor said. He took Sumire's bag from the inside.

Lips firmly closed, Mort tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he watched the two laughing merrily from the distance. He stared at the maiden's beautiful face as he remembered his grandfather's last word.

While Sumire was happily talking to her co-actor, Trevor, unbeknownst to her, was a pair of predator's eyes locked on her, gaze slowly runs down on her tummy. A sexy grin formed on Mort's lips. "A grandkid, huh."