4 PM. The sea greeted them and the half-moon of beach softly. The horizon itself was a thin seam where the canopy of sky and the plane of sea hemmed each other into a line of silver. It was as if they had been welded into an extended splinter of perfection. The beach was drenched in a lightning-gold, dawn haze. The golden sand swept around in a scythe of beach, hemmed in by towering dunes. Far out to sea, rivers of pulsing light saturated the sea with gold. Dazzling, shimmering sunlight makes the sand sparkle like a thousand tiny jewels.

The production team is setting up the equipment on the rented exclusive beach out of the Brethren city where the next scene of Sumire and Trevor will take place.

While everyone was busy, Sumire emptied her 1-hour break by skimming and scrolling her phone's gallery. She was sexily dressed in an elegant black sleeveless sling vestido backless V neck beach dress. A cold breeze swirls around her sending her hair in all different directions. She was wearing a big sunglass, looking like a model. Well, she's a model. The maiden has been staring at the saved images of Death's painting while sitting on a bench under the big beach umbrella.

Trevor approached closer to her place. Standing in the back, he curiously peeked at the maiden's phone. Various kinds of paintings appeared to him. A disturbing exquisite art of dark and madness, that's what he concluded.

His presence remains unnoticed by the maiden.

"Ah, you love that kind of painting," Trevor opened up. Sumire quickly stared up at him. The young man strides with his chair and placed it next to her. They were seated under the same umbrella.

The maiden smiled at him. "Yes, these are my favorite paintings. Actually, I have a collection of it at home. I exhibit them in my private gallery," Sumire said happily while showing the stolen shots of the painting saved on the phone to Trevor.

"And I continue to collect these arts to this day. Three weeks from now, I will go to the auction house to bid on the five of Death's paintings. It's a birthday gift for myself." The maiden keeps on blabbering, eyes can barely be seen out of merriment.

Trevor smiled.

"I guess you love the painting so much. I can literally see the heart shape in your eyes."

Amused, Trevor sexily chuckled. Sumire nodded and looked back at the phone, happily humming. Curious, Trevor asked the maiden again.

"What auction house you are going to?" He asked but the maiden never cast a glance at him. She was scrolling the saved images, smiling from ear to ear.

"Viccini Auction House," Sumire directly replied. Trevor was stunned at what he heard, and couldn't believe he looked at the maiden humming along with the whispers of the sea breeze.

"Isn't that place infamous for having a connection to the black market?"

Frowning, Trevor was asked as Sumire's forehead was slightly creased. Eyes darted at the stunning horizon.

"I really don't give a damn care about the history of that place as long as I get the painting for myself at any cost."

Sumire said. Her pair of obsidian orbs glow in determination beneath her sunglass. Trevor just stare at her. A short silence prevailed between them but seconds later the gentle waves in the sea broke the silence.

Her hair slightly danced in the current of the wind along with her slitted dress that slightly revealed her long leg and fair skin.

"Aren't you afraid of the possible danger it will bring to you?" Trevor asked.

"About that, you'll never know if it is dangerous unless you don't try." Serious, calm, and collected, Sumire responded once flipped the long midnight hair on her back and adjusted the eyeglass on her impeccable nose.

"Wow, you're fearless and carefree," Trevor chuckled and Sumire just flashed a smirk.

"By the way, who is the artist behind that spectacular painting?" Trevor asked again, doubtful as the paintings depicted dark and quite disturbing. Sumire turned to him.

"Death," she quickly replied and at the same time wearing a very serious face. A slight arch in her eyebrow, sunglass slowly sliding down on her straight nose. Her pair of midnight eyes meet his.

Trevor chuckled at the maiden's expression. Her attempt to make a serious remark caused much mirth to him.

"You must really love that Death, don't you?" Trevor uttered while breaking into a deep chortle. Sumire's face remained catatonic looking at him.

"I truly do. I almost met him when I was 13 years old."

She reach for her juice and sipped on it as her gaze went on the white foams from the waves gather gently onto the golden shore. Now, half of a glowing, radiant light looms across the pristine water's horizon. Her voice was calm as the sea, no hint of sadness can be heard in her tone.

Trevor who was listening attentively thought Sumire was referring to an artist hiding under the pseudonym "Death", his lip slightly raised.

"Better luck next time," he said and once staring at her. "Why don't you and Death haven't met yet?" Trevor asked in a serious tone. Sumire was stunned when she realized that the man had misunderstood her.

Sumire burst out laughing. Holding her belly, tears formed in the side of her eyes. Face puzzled and head tilted to the side, Trevor looked at her.

"Why are you laughing?" The young man asked that Sumire had no intention of clearing what was on Trevor's mind.

"Nothing. I just remembered something." She said once wiping the tears from the corner of her eye and sipping the juice again. Sumire turns to face him and is seated properly.

"How about you? What are your hobbies? Do you have any collected stuffs? What do you like to collect if there's any?" Sumire asked one after another which Trevor just smiled at.

"I don't collect things but I do have a number of different breeds of cats and dogs at home. They ranges to 50."

Trevor replied that Sumire's mouth formed into an O-shaped. True, Trevor loves his pets dearly. He had a soft heart for them and secretly help strays animals. He also had set a fund for stray and abused pets at the animal shelter.

"Wow! That's a lot of pet," Sumire said in amazement. Trevor just smiled. "Isn't your family allergic to them?" She added.

Trevor left Sumire's question unanswered. He fell into silence. The memory of his past that he tried to bury in the deep part of his mind now emerged. His hand formed into a fist.

Sumire felt that Trevor was uncomfortable with her question. She quickly apologizes.

"Sorry, I have no intention to make you feel uncomfortable. But I guess you're not close to your family," Sumire said apologetically as Trevor flashed a short smile.

"It's okay. I guess not everyone is blessed with a perfect family." Trevor responded.

"There is no such thing as perfect family. My parents are overprotective, they always flirted shamelessly in front of my face. And man, they give me creep! They didn't even respect my single life."

She exaggeratedly exclaimed once removing the sunglasses and rolling her eyes. Irritation can be seen on her beautiful face. "God, why do you even give me such kind of parents, tsk."

Trevor laughed boisterously. The sight of her pouting like a child, he can't help but chuckle. 'She was really amusing to look at.'

"I guess you are close to your parents and they love you dearly." Trevor genuinely said that Sumire looked at him, still pissed, but she had calmed down.

"Well, if we had a misunderstanding whether it was a small or big matter, my parents didn't let it slip aside. We talk, settle and sort things out before the morning comes."

Sumire replied and smiled. Trevor was about to respond when the Head Director suddenly called them from the distance, motioning them to start the next scene before the nightfall. Trevor and Sumire stood up at the same time and returned to the set.

9 pm. The sky was filled with constellations of stars. The millions of scattered stars covered that mesmerizing night sky. The beach paradise creates tranquility and silence. The air at the beach has its own mysterious aroma. Sumire and Trevor's taping at the Crescent Beach was still not over. An action scene is currently taking place in a rented villa and the team has a short break.

Trevor, noticed Sumire's uneasiness in the place who keeps glancing at the clock or asking her manager, Eiryss.

"Are you going somewhere? You seem restless. " Trevor approached the maiden and gave her a bottle of water. Sumire accepted it and drink.

"Yes. I will watch a Firework Festival in Erétria city later at midnight." Sumire replied. She's been dying to watch the Erètria's famous fireworks festival since earlier.

"Our taping will be done at 11, I will escort you there," Trevor said. The maiden's face lit up with delight. Sumire gave him a friendly hug and thanked him gratefully before they went back to their work.

The shooting runs smoothly and as expected, they finished at exactly 11 p.m. Sumire has no time to get dressed as the clock almost strikes at midnight. She pulled Trevor by the hand in a hurry to his red Ferrari car. The young man just laughed at her.

"Let's go. We need to hurry lest we cannot reach the fireworks display on time." Sumire ejaculated like a kid while Trevor opened up the door for her.

"Okay, okay, settle down now. I'll make sure we get there." Trevor chuckled handsomely.

But even before Sumire could board inside Trevor's car, a luxurious phantom Aston Martin motorcycle stopped in front of her. Alarmed, Sumire prepared herself for possible danger but when the mysterious hunk man opened the front of his helmet, Sumire was shocked to see it was Mort.

"Hop in," Mort commanded the maiden who was nailed on her feet and now staring at him in a daze.

"Who do you think you are?" Trevor asked, frowned at the man but Mort gave him a cold look.

"Mort," his voice was cold as the night, and his pair of emerald eyes locked on Sumire. The maiden frowned.

"What are you doing here?" Sumire asked Mort in surprise. 'How did he know I was here?' She curiously asked in her mind.

"I'll take you to your home," Mort said in a serious tone that Sumire quickly disagreed with him.

"No. I have plans to go to the Firework Festival this midnight." Sumire said that she cast a quick glance at Trevor who was now speechless in his place when he felt Mort's ominous aura directed at him.

"I'll take you there. My motor is faster than his car." Mort said. Sumire was stopped and fell into deep thought.

'Mort was right. If I'll ride on him I'll get there before the midnight strike. His motorcycle runs faster than the car, but I already accepted Trevor's offer...'

Sumire was feeling undecided and conflicted. She was torn between Mort and Trevor's offer. She’s embarrassed to decline Trevor's ride but her heart tells her to go with Mort. But she must follow what her heart truly desires. 'Damn, this is hard.'

Trevor noticed that Sumire was having a hard time deciding. Eyebrows knitted, she was biting her thumb.

He took out his phone from his pocket and Trevor pretended to have looked at the message in there.

"You can go with him, Sumire. There's an emergency at home. See you tomorrow." Trevor reasoned out. He knew Mort wouldn't leave until he get Sumire. The flash of blithesome visible in her face, Trevor saw how her eyes sparkled in delight as if a thorn had pulled out from her chest.

"Thank you," Sumire humbly said. Trevor just genuinely smiled and entered the driver's seat and left the place.

Sumire was left with Mort who had been staring at her intensely. Suddenly, the cold zephyr wind blew which made Sumire shiver involuntarily. Her hair gorgeously danced in the current and the fabric of her beautiful dress swayed by the wind, revealing her legs under her long slit on the side. Mort has a full view of her long legs. That come-hither look in her eyes captivates him, making Mort stare deeply at her. She looks stunning and sultry under the moonlight.

"You have two choices, lady. Either you ride on my bike or ride on me."

Mort boldly said as Sumire blushed heavily. The maiden stood, stunned. Those latter words sounded different to her. She is thrilled with the naughty scene playing in her mind now. 'Me? Riding on him? Damn, that must be wild!'

She faced Mort and cast the hot hunk a scrutinizing look. "You sound like a dirty old man," said the maiden, eyes squinted and one eyebrow slightly raised.

"But you like this dirty old man." Mort confidently responded, teasing the maiden out.

"What is wrong with you?" Eyes dilapidated, Sumire's jaw dropped in disbelief. 'What is up with this man?' The maiden noticed that something was changing in him and she was unable to comprehend it.

"Do you hate me now?" Mort asked as Sumire flashed a lopsided grin, eyes slightly squinted foxily.

"No. I love this version of you." Sumire bluntly replied and smiled.

"I guess I have to work hard on that," Mort said once removed his jacket and put it on her. She had been caressing her shoulder, frequently shuddering due to the coldness of the night. Mort was left wearing a black fitted T-shirt that Sumire could see his massive pectoral that bulging and masculine triceps. She bit her lower lip. 'Fuck. He is too hot!'

"I also love this warmth ... hmm .." she nuzzled against his big warm jacket. Sumire smelled the perfume merge his manly scent Mort left in there which made her even more intoxicated!

'I'm getting addicted to his aroma,' She was drawn to his magnetic green eyes.

"But my bed is warmer."

Mort replied in a deep sultry bedroom voice made Sumire astonished. The swarm of raw scenes that is too erotic is now flooding inside her mind. She holds her breath, not to squeal. 'What could possibly he has eaten today and he acted weird...yet sexy...' she beguilingly grinned.

"Only if you're there, lying in it."

Sumire countered him. Mort stared deeply at her and she look at him with the same intensity. Stares locked and intertwined under the vast starry night sky. Both eyes speak. Another more seconds have passed when Mort decided to break the silence.

"Are you still going to the Firework Festival or do you want to be on my bed." Sounded invitingly dangerous yet tempting, Mort said that Sumire's heart pounding so fast and cheeks blushing heavily in red. She hurriedly hop in on his motorcycle. Mort grinned under his helmet.

He took the extra helmet and put it on the maiden's head by himself. "Let's go to the firework festival," she said and sat down properly and hug him from behind.

Mort quickly started the engine and Sumire's tightened her grip on his waist. Her hands crawled and groped his well-toned abs.

Mort grinned.

"Your wish is my command."