Two days later. Sumire was resting her face on her palm and looked blankly at nowhere in the high stool chair she was sitting on inside the set's dressing room. She drew a blank stare at anyone. They are currently shooting the scene without Trevor's role. Until now, she has not had any contact with Trevor after the incident at the Viccini House. Worriment is written all over her face. No one from the production team tried to disturb her as she was drowned in her own thoughts. What happened at the auction is still a mystery to her.


Before they boarded the plane back home to Brethren City, she asked Mort about the chaos in Viccini House and what really happened to Trevor after they left. She keeps on asking him why that place doesn't exist according to the elite investigators and experts she knows. But Mort's face remain stone-cold and answered none of those questions.