Mischa greeted her with a big grin plastered on her lips. Sumire couldn't answer immediately as she had a heavy feeling loaded in her chest. Something isn't right, something is missing and something is confusing her.

"You didn't look so good," Mischa added when she noticed the beautiful maiden looking dull and stunned to speak, who just stared at her, and stood like a statue.

"I'm not feeling well, " Sumire responded, forcing a smile. She was not in the mood and did not talk to anyone for days. Sumire isolates herself most of the time in her home and in the set. She was heavyhearted about what happened between her and Mort.

"Since you're feeling not okay, let's postpone the shopping we plan," Mischa said, pretending to be sad and turning her back on the maiden, which alarmed Sumire.

She immediately pulled Mischa's hand and flash a smile. "Wait Mischa, let's do it today as we promised."