The couple, Chaise and Lunaire were standing near Sumire and Mort while eyes darted at the computer. They all gathered in the living room and positioned at Leroy's back. Different programs and websites were opened, cracking algorithms to gain access to the system. With the young man's computer expertise and high technical skill, he wasted no time and began removing the articles about Sumire's accused crime from different sites and platforms while Narco and Lyric are having fun returning and reposting it in double. Alongside them was Victoria who paid them to stop Sumire's plans to take down all the issues she spread on the internet.

'I fucking knew it! There's no way in hell am gonna allow that bitch had her chance to clear her name. So, I hired the best underground hackers in advance.' Victoria spitefully said inside her mind while looking at the two handsome hackers busy fiddling with their computers.