5 PM. Dawn rose from the eastern horizon and the sky is painted with orange and blue hues, teamed up with the golden rays of the emerging sun. It is a great morning to start everyone's day but not for Dieu. The cold morning breeze messed with his bedroom hair. He was wearing his bedroom robe and sipping a glass of champagne standing on the balcony, brows furrowed. He stays up all night awake waiting for Yakov to call him. Negative thoughts swirled in his head thinking Yakov conspire behind his back or maybe got killed.

Without Yakov's help in getting rid of his older brother, his chances of succeeding the throne as the next Aslanov leader would be vague. His jealousy towards Mort was evident on his face after the woman he loved chose his brother over him is truly unacceptable.

Irritated, Dieu dialed Yakov's number with lips pursed into a thin line. He heaves a deep, angry sigh when Yakov finally answered his call.