Chapter 2 – Green Town.

[Green Town – One of the places in with where new player begin their journey.]

In the middle of the town there was a giant fountain that have statue of the knight in the middle of it.

Many blue lights could be seem appearing left and right at the town center and from those lights a humanoid figures could be seen being formed from them.

[You had successfully logged on.]

"So this is Green Town huh? I can see to of people appearing from those weird pixel lights, so that is how logging in look like for other people. There is already tons of people here." – said Mix while looking around herself, seeing a crowd of people surrounding her.

[SYSTEM NOTICE: You now possess inventory and status!]

[Saying [Open Status] or [Open Inventory] will trigger them to open. Saying [Close Inventory] or [Close Status will close the winddowns.

"Em…[Open Inventory]?'

Suddenly in front of the Mix, an system winddown appeared in front of her.

(So that it's looks like huh? Oh, my crossbow is in it. I didn't noticed that I wasn't caring it in the first place. Am I an idiot?)

"Hey, there is something!" – shouted one random player.

There was a giant wooden board near the town center edge.

(There seem to be commotion near that wooden board, let's see what is going on.) – Mix begined approaching the giant wooden board.

[Welcome the Green Town wanderers. This town is one of the town where you shall begin your journey.]

[Remember, you are not the only people living in this town, please be respectful to inhabitance of this town and if you committed any crimes there will be a consequences.]

(So this something like information board for new players, nice.)

(Let's see….)

[Beginner hunting area]

– Recommended level 1-4

– Location grass plains. You will arrive there by going through west gate and then going straight. If you are facing front of this board, just go straight right and you will find west gate.

(There are information about other hunting areas as well and some places, like blacksmith, alchemist, drug store.)

(Some people are already heading toward the east gate while the others running into a different directions? I see, they are looking if there is any quests available in the town.)

(People are still confused or don't know what to do. This is a chance!)

Mix left the crowd of players and begined heading towards the west gate.

(There is often problem in MMORPG where there is tons players hunting in same area, because of that most of monsters are killed and you have to wait until they respawn. Not many people are currently heading towards the west gate at the moment so you can easily hunt monster without having to deal with other people.)

(If there is quest in town, I can just ask some random person who got it to tell me where to find the it. There is also possibility that it will take quite some time before people find quest giver location or there is also possibility that there is currently no quest at the movement.)

(The current best option is to head straight to the hunting grounds and level up fast!)

Sometime later, Mix managed to arrive at west gate. After arriving at the gate she left the town shorty after and manage to arrive at grass plains.

(I already walked quiet a distance from the west gate, I think it's just matter of time before I encounter…Hmm?) – Mix suddenly stopped moving after seeing the person in front of him stopping and taking out his sword.

Mix beginner moving towards the swordman to see what is going on.

[Angry Rabbit – Level 1]

(So this is the beginner level monster huh? A little rabbit. I can see some other people already fighting. Better to watch how this sword guy fight against this rabbit.) – though Mix while trying to get better view on both rabbit and young man.

"Take this!"

Young man began charging straight at the rabbit monster and took a big swing at the rabbit, the attack connected, making rabbit squeal.

"I hit?! I thought it would be hard-"

Rabbit jumped at the young man who had let his guard down and hit him straight in the stomach with a headbutt.

(That idiot let his guard down, his fault.)

(So those rabbits fight by headbutt charging at their opponent. I thought they would somewhat fast since they are rabbit but I guess I was wrong, it's probably because they are low level. As long as you don't let your guard down or panic you can probably dodge it.)

"You bastard! [Weapon Strike]!"

Young man swinged his sword and cut the rabbit creature in half.

(I should start hunting myself, I already observed enough.) – Mix walked away from the man and started looking for Angry Rabbit to hunt.)

(There! It didn't seem to noticed me yet.)

Mix aimed with her crossbow at the Angry Rabbit and shot at it. The rabbit heard the noise coming from behind him and instantly turned his head around to see a crossbow bolt right in front of his eye.

[You have slain: Angry Rabbit - Level 1. You received 5 EXP.]

(So hitting in vital spots deals more damage. Unlike the swordman I didn't need to use skills to kill it.) – though Mix while taking back the bolt from the rabbit corpse.

(Anyway, it's really easy to use it, I mean I did read how they were used but is way easier then I though.)

As Mix begined approaching the corpse of the monster, an system winddown popped up in front of her.

[You have hunted your first pray! "Clap" "Clap".]

[After you killed a monster, please approach the corpse and extend your hand towards the corpse and say [Loot] in order to claim your rewards.]

"Something popped up? Let's see… "Extend your hand towards the corpse." Like this? [Loot]."

Mix fallowed the instructions she received and moment later another system window popped up.

[You have received: [Angry Rabbit Meat] and [Angry Rabbit Fur].]

[The items you received from looting the corpse will be placed in your inventory.]

"[Open Inventory]."

An inventory window opened in front of the Mix.

(It's really in here. Simple, but effective. Anyway how many rabbits I need to kill to level up? Does in status window will say anything?)

"[Open Status]"

[Level 1 – EXP: 5 / 25]

"Rabbit gave me 5 EXP, so I need to hunt down 4 more. Let's go to work then."

Mix begined hunting any Angry Rabbits she encounter.

[You have Sain: Angry Rabbit - Level 1. You received 5 EXP.]

[LEVEL UP. You became level 2!]

[All of your stats have been increased by 1.]

[You received 1 free stat point. Open your inventory to use the unused point(s). Free stat points can be put into any of your stats to increase it by the same amount of points you put in.]

[To learn more about the specific stat, please open your status window and press the spiral icon next to your stats.

"Level 2. Finally. And I got something called free stat point."

(So I can put it into any of stat to increase it huh? Let's first see what each stat do. Spiral icon, this thing right?)

[Physical Defense] – Stat that reduces amount of damage taken by physical based attack.

[Magic Defense] – Stat that reduces amount of damage taken by magical or mystical based attack.

[Strength] – A status that influences: physical strength and the weight limit.

This stats can influence the performance of some weapons and equipments.

[Agility] – A status that influences: speed and attack speed

This stats can influence the performance of some weapons and equipments.

[Intelligent] – A status that influences: The performance of the skills and spells.

This stats can influence the performance of some weapons and equipments.

[Health] – This skill influences the maximal amount of HP and HP regeneration rate.

[Magic] – This skill influences the maximal amount of MP and MP regeneration rate.

[Constitution] – This skill influences the maximal amount of SP and SP regeneration rate.

[Taming Mastery] – [Tamer] class exclusive stat. This stats influences the number of the tamed creatures user can be summoned at the same time.

"…" – Mix stared at the information winddown and her stats, wondering what to do.

(Honestly I want to put it into [Magic] to increase my max amount of MP. Since I don't know how much [Taming] uses MP, I don't know if I have enough MP to tame a level 1 rabbit right now.)

(However there is problem.)

(It takes few seconds for me to reload the crossbow, it's quiet hard to pull the string. The [Strength] stat says to influence physical strength, it also says that I can influence some weapons. If I put the point into [Strength] will it make the reload time faster?)

"Tch. For now I will put into [Magic] since I still didn't tamed one yet. I will put some points into[Strength] later on."

[1 Stat point(s) have been distributed into [Magic].]

(Now then, let's look for Angry Rabbit to tame.)

Few seconds later.

(There is one.)

(I can't hit any vitals or I will one shot it by accident. Let's aim at the stomach, it shouldn't kill it immediately and give me enough time to tame it.)

The crossbow bolt flew straight at the creature stomach, piercing it and making creature squeal in pain. Mix begined instantly charging straight at the creature while it was still squealing in pain.


A square like pattern suddenly appeared on below the rabbit and begined floating up wards while leaving behind blue light. The cage of light suddenly glowed up and then disappeared, leaving only a ball of light behind. The light ball instantly moved towards the girl and book like object suddenly appeared near her, the light flew straight at towards the book.

[You had successfully tamed creature: Angry Rabbit.]

[Please name your tamed creature to finish the process taming process.]

"Name huh? Hmm… Let's go with Min."

[Angry Rabbit had been given "Min" as its name and is officially joins your side!]

(So that's how taming look like? A book suddenly appeared and light flew straight at it. Let's see…) – Mix opened her status window to check something.

[Tamer Book]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Summon a book that contains your summoned creatures. While the book is active you have access to commands [Call] and [Return]. [Call] summons the creature from the book to your side, however you need to have enough of [Taming Mastery] points for summoning, you won't be able to summon the creature if you don't have enough [Taming Mastery] points. [Return] is a command that return your tamed creature back to the book. When creature return to the book, you will regain the [Taming Mastery] points that were used to summon creature. If the creature is returned manually back to the book while in combat, then it will be impossible to resummon the creature for next the 20 minutes.

If the creature is forcefully returned because it got killed, points will return over time, you will recover all of your points used for the creature when it recovers 50% of its strength.]

[If a creature dies while being outside of the book, then creature will become unavailable until it revived. Creature can't be used while it's reviving inside the book. Once the creature is revive it will become possible again to resummon it.]

(This is probably it. Let's try something, I tried saying out loud skill name and it activated, so what happened if I try thinking the skill name out loud in my head?)

"[Tamer Book].|

A book like object appeared in Mix hand.

(So it works. There is Angry Rabbit I just caught on this page and shows it's stats.)


[Race: Angry Rabbit]

[Gender: Female]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 100/100] [MP: 30/30] [SP: 100/100]

[Main attributes]

[Physical Defense: 2] [Magic Defense: 2] [Strength: 3] [Agility: 3] [Intelligent: 1] [Health: 10] [Magic: 3] [Constitution: 10]

[Title(s): None.]

[Skills: None]

[Taming Mastery Cost: 6]

(So that is Angry Rabbit stats huh? It has around 1/3 of the level 1 players stats and it doesn't seem to have any skills as well. Let's call it.)

"[Call Min]"

An square shaped pattern suddenly appeared and Angry Rabbit Min emerged from it.

Mix approached the once hostile monster and tried patting it, the creature didn't resisted if anything it seems to like it.

"Hi Min, my name is Mix, let's get along."

The rabbit creature made a happy noises while getting patted by its owner.

"Let's quickly level up and get out of here before more people show up."