Chapter 3 – Butcher Favor.

"[Summon: Grey Chess Pawn]!" – said out loud player Mix.

[Summon: Grey Chess Pawn]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 50 MP]

[Cooldown: Each Grey Chess Pawn has their own cooldown. ]

[Summon Grey Chess Pawn to fight by your side.]

[This skill possess charges that summons the monster. The number of charges you can hold depends on how many Grey Chess Pawns you can summon.]

[The main factors that influences the summoned monsters stats are: Summoner current level and the skill level.]

[Each Grey Chess Pawn doesn't have limited summon time, but each Pawn will enter their own cooldown if they are de-summoned by user, they will then enter cooldown 5 minutes. Or if they are slayed they will enter instead 15 minutes cooldown time.]

[The number of the Grey Chess Pawns that can be summoned increase depending on the skill level.]

The maximal amount of Grey Chess Pawns: 1.]

[This skill is categorized as: Summing type skill. ]

An circle like pattern appeared on ground surface and then humanoid creature emergent from it.

The unknown creature appearance resemble that of the toy soldier. The soldier body seem to have a armor and helmet merged with its body, the entire body only possess a color grey and body itself look like it's made out of porcelain. A toy soldier seem to be around 1 meter tall and it seems to be holding an grey colored shield and sword like objects.

The trio of player Mix, Angry Rabbit Min and Grey Chess Pawn were fighting against group of Angry rabbits.

"Min deal with the ones on the right and pawn support her."

Mix – level 3, Min – level 2, Grey Chess Pawn – level 3 vs 3 level 2 Angry Rabbits.

[You have slain: Angry Rabbit - Level 2. Received EXP will be shared. You received 5 EXP.]

"That's one. What about the other?" – Mix headshot the Angry Rabbit and killed instantly, she then turned her head around to see how her creature fight.

Mi and other Angry Rabbit headbutted each, then they began to power struggle between themselves. Min used all of her remaining strength into her legs and pushed other rabbit, the rabbit collapsed and Min rushed straight at it, she then bitten the collapsed foe in the neck, making it squeal in pain. Other Angry Rabbit begined rushing towards Min in attempt to strike her, however it didn't noticed the pawn charging from the side.

"Bash it and pin it on the ground!"

Pawn bashed the rabbit with his shield and then pinned the rabbit with it shield on the ground as commanded, holding the rabbit in the place.

"Stab it to death."

The pawn begined stabbing the rabbit over and over in its side, making is squeal in agony while trying to get away, but it was in the end unsuccessful.

[You have slain: Angry Rabbit - Level 2. Received EXP will be shared. You received 5 EXP.]

[You have slain: Angry Rabbit - Level 2. Received EXP will be shared. You received 5 EXP.]

[LEVEL UP. You became level 4!]

(Let's invest stat point into [Strength]."

As soon as I tamed Min, I begined using skill [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn], I wanted to test out how useful summoned creature is. There was option a button next to the skill name and by pressing it was able to see the current stats of the summoned creature.

The pawn level is exactly the same as mine and by look of this all of its stats are set on 2 and it doesn't have any skills as well. When I first summoned it, I was level 2, the pawn was level 2 and all of his stats were 2. After I level up to level 3 the pawn became level 3 as well and it's stats were set on 3 now, by the look of things its stats are X time of creature level. It's a bit heavier that a Min, that in turn made it a bit slower because of weight, it may seem like it's useless summon at first glance but it's not completely useless.

First thing, by the look of things the summoned creature by this skill don't take its share of EXP when killing a monster, it's probably this thing that fairy talked about false creation or something, about the creature not being real.

Second thing, it doesn't have emotions or anything. I can command this guy to do suicide attack and it will listen, I can use it in case of emergently or sacrifice it to buy me some time when I'm running away.

The last important thing about the Grey Chess Pawn is that it has a sword and shield. The shield and sword are not that big, the sword it's using is about 2 times smaller than sword that sword guy used. Well it's still able to use them as weapons to attack and block, so it's still better that nothing.

The main problem with pawn it's about it being stupid, no to be more accurate it's brainless. It fights like machine and it's quiet easy to read it's attacks patterns, however if you give it propel commands it will be way more useful. I won't be probably able to give sometimes properly commands while I'm in midst of battle myself, so sometimes pawn will have to fight by itself.

Oh by the way, you can check status of your summoned and tamed creatures while they summoned, I though you can only see their stats in book or in options, guess I was wrong.

After I hit level 3, I decided to move further away from the gate, to see if there any stronger monsters or group of monsters the further I'm away from the gate . After some passed, I ended up encountering level 2 Angry Rabbits and group of 2 level 1 Angry Rabbits. There appears to be a forest nearby and as you get closer to it, the number of monsters and their level increases, probably monsters in forest are much stronger than those on the field.

(The question is, what do I do now? Some of my bolts lost entire durability and got destroyed, I still have 23 left but its matter of time before they break as well. I need to replenish my ammunition and to buy some melee weapon when I get to the town.)

There are also other problems:

-MP – I don't have any means of recovering MP right now and it take some time to recover naturally.

-SP – SP is literally stamina, moving around and literally doing anything physical uses SP.

-Min is a living being too and is as well gets tired. I need to take care of her as well.

"Going to the forest right now could end up me being killed like idiot, not taking chances for now." – said Mix while starting to walk towards the town.

Sometime later.

(More and more people are leaving the city, there will be soon a problem about people fighting over monsters. Good thing I got to the level 4 so I don't have to deal with that problem for now.)

(Here is question. What can I do with the stuff I got from Angry Rabbits? Can I sell it somewhere?)

Mix begined looking around.

"Excuse me." – said Mix while approaching an lady standing nearby by while holding a child hand.


"Do you by any chance know a place where I can sell Angry Rabbit fur and meat?"

"Go in that direction and you will find butcher shop. They buy and sell lot of different meats there, there is a chance that they will buy it from you or can redirect you to the different place."

"Thanks for information. Have a nice day."

The girl went I told direction and shortly after arrived at butcher shop.

(This seems to be a place.)

"Excuse me." – said Mix while entering butcher shop.

"Welcome. Oh? I never saw you around here before. Are you one of the new people that arrived recently to this town?" – asked 2 meters tall man.

"Yea, my name is Mix. I've been told that I can sell some Angry Rabbit meat and fur or that you could tell me a place where I can probably sell it."

"I see. My name is Joseph and I'm owner of this place. This butcher shop specialize in selling monster materials and meat, we also buy the materials for set price. Show me the stuff you want to sell."

Mix begined to take out all meat and fur that she from Angry Rabbits.

"Damn young lady, that Is quiet amount for beginner."

77 [Angry Rabbit Fur] and 77 [Angry Rabbit Meat].

[[You received 26 silver coins and 95 bronze coins.]]

(Fur is worth 20 bronze coins and 15 bronze coins for meat huh? I needed to hunt more monsters since I share EXP with Min and because of that I had quiet amount of fur and meat stored in my inventory.)

"Excuse me miss." – said Joseph.

"What is it? It's something wrong by any chance?"

"No, everything is fine, it's just I wanted to ask a little favor."


"Ay. Considering the amount of materials you brough I think you are strong enough to help me."

[[QUEST: Joseph the butcher favor.]]

[[One of the main incomes of the town are sold materials from the monsters and Joseph shop is no expectation. One of the products with highest demand is horned rabbit meat, Joseph regularly sells it to its clients until recently a problem occurred.

A group of Frog-Mans made their appearance recently in the forest where horned rabbits lives and begined to hunt them. Town guards are currently busy with dealing other problems and so the problem were left untouched.

Joseph the butcher asks you if you are able to deal with the problem for him.]]

[[Completion condition: Hunt down the group of frog mans in the forest located in west – number of the Frog-Man ?/?]]

[[Fail condition: Frog-Mans not being dealt with within 24 hours after accepting the quest.]]

[[Reward: Favorability with Joseph the butcher increased, 10 silver coins, [Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever] and EXP.]]

[[Quest difficulty: F+]]

[[Do you wish to accept the quest?]]

"Frog-Man? What kind of creature is that?" – asked Mix.

"They are demi human type of creature, they are 1 meter tall and they are able to use weapons. They are quiet annoying bastards. When it comes to the strength, they are a bit more powerful that an horned rabbits, oh and there is sometimes frog man mage that uses water magic, they are very annoying as well."

"Hmmm…" – (Should I accept it? They are a bit more powerful that horned rabbits, but I never fought the horned rabbit before. The time limit is 24 hours, I probably have enough time to level up few more times.)

"Okay, I accept it."

[[You accepted quest: "Joseph the butcher favor''.]]

"I first go shopping to get some stuff and then go to the forest. See you later." - said Mix while leaving the shop.

"Take care." – replied Joseph.

(The board in the town center said something blacksmith shop, let's go there to find where it's located.)

Sometime later.

"Welcome." – said man while smoking from the pipe.

"Good evening. Can I look at your products?"

"Here." - Man opened his hand and the system winddown opened.

(Let's see. I see items that were offered for free when you were creating your character. I currently have 51 silver coins and 95 bronze coins, I got 25 silver coins in my inventory when I started playing.)

(There is a [Reinforced Beginner Crossbow] is something I like to buy, but I will probably need better stats to use it properly, buying it now is bad idea. Let's buy more [Beginner Crossbow Bolt(s)] and [Beginner One Handed Axe], some equipment as well.)

(…I don't see any throwing weapons or poisons that can be used to coat my weapon, shame. I was thinking if it is possible to coat some of bolts with poison and use it against the monster, it would probably make things easier.)

"Is that all?"

"Yes. Oh and please repair my crossbow as well."

"Sure thing." – replied old man.

[[You spend 39 silver and 82 bronze coins.]]

(Good thing I sold those furs and meats beforehand, I spend a quiet lot of money.)

[[You have equipped: [Angry Rabbit Leather Crossbow Quiver(Small size)], [Beginner Belt], [Angry Rabbit Leather Arm Armor], [Angry Rabbit Leather Leg Armor] [Angry Rabbit Leather Half Cheast Armor], [Pendant Of Weak Warrior] and [Beginner One Handed Axe]. ]]

(Lets buy some potions and then go hunts some frogs.)