Chapter 5 – Frog-Mans.

Shortly after Min evolution into Horned Rabbit.

[Horned Rabbit – Level 5]

[Min – Level 5]

Min was facing off against Horned Rabbit alone, while Mix was standing behind the tree, observing the fight.

(I want to test something. When Min was still Angry Rabbit, she had 50% of winning the fight against other Angry Rabbit that had same level as her, I had to sometimes save her multiple times. However after some time, her winning rate started to increases bit by bit, until she no longer needed my assist when dealing with her opponent.)

(She learned how to fight bit by bit, that is the conclusion I came up after observing her. When we first fought level 7 Horned Rabbit, I didn't given her command to attack when I was wide open, she did it by herself.)

(I now want to see her how well does she manage fighting against Horned Rabbit of the same level as her.)

Min and Horned Rabbit begined charging at , they clashed and begined power clashing between each other. Suddenly an two more Horned Rabbits appeared from the bushes and begined charging at the Min.

(Why the f*ck now?! Why now they appeared?!. Sh*t!) – Mix begined charging at the rabbits in attempt to save Min from enemy.

One of the rabbits noticed Mix and attacked her, blocking her path.

(Sh*t! Won't make it.) – "[Summon: Grey-"

Min suddenly overpowered the Horned Rabbit she was clashing with and pushed it away, making it lose its balance as well. As second Horned began getting closer, Min suddenly launched her hind legs backwards, hitting the other monsters right in the face and launching it away. Min then begined charging at the first Horned Rabbit and she stabbed it to death with its horn, the other rabbit tried to get up but the Grey Chess Pawn sited on it and begined stabbing it over and over.

[You had Slain: Horned Rabbit -Level 5. Received EXP will be shared. You received 11 EXP.] X3.

"Well that was quiet unexpected, normally I have to look for the group of enemy, not them looking for me instead, but I learned something." – Mix begined approaching Min.

"You little rascal, you can probably now defeat level 6 Horned Rabbit! Honestly speaking I though you would get killed instantly, who knew that you could do it?" – Mix begined petting Min.

When it comes to the battle Angry Rabbits and Horned Rabbits are quiet stupid, you can easily read their attack pattern after you fought some of them beforehand. Once you know how they fight you can easily outsmart the level 1-3 level higher that you and you can somehow manage to kill them, without using any skills.

But the Min is different compare to them. She learns and get smarter bit by bit as she fights more battles. One of the her main weakness are being particle gone, meaning her effectives in combat grown noticeable.

I think I know reason why, when I was fighting against the rabbits, they were observing my movements, meaning they were trying to learn how I fight and predicts my attacks , they were trying to learn!

However there is main difference between Min and other rabbits monsters, she survived countless battle and she learned from them and even if she did manage dies, I can just revived her later on, she will keep all of her battle experience and everything, unlike other rabbits monster that just die in combat and are gone forever, meaning the other rabbits monsters do not possess same battle experience as Min.

In future her main weakness will be completely gone and she will become even better in combat that current her.

"Now then, now that I know you can handle yourself, let's pick up the pace, shall we?"

Sometime later.

[You had Slain: Horned Rabbit -Level 8. Received EXP will be shared. You received 17 EXP.]

[LEVEL UP. You became level 9!]

[Tamed creature: Min, had LEVELD UP. Min became level 8!]

(It took quiet amount of time to get to the level 4 from level 1, but now I level up like it's nothing.)

[You had acquired new skill!]


[You learned new skill: [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F].

[Crossbow Mastery – Rank F].

[Skill level: 1] – [Progress Rate: 00%]

[Normal Skill]

[Skill type: Passive]

[After long time of using the crossbow, you are to some extend able to grasp the crossbow true potential, but you are still beginner when it comes to it for now. You are now consider beginner while dealing with crossbows.]

[When you are using the crossbow: Increase crossbow attack, attack speed, piercing power and reload speed by X% (X= this skill current level multiplied by 0,5).] [Skill level 1 x 0,5 = Current bonus: 0,5%]

[This skill will grow stronger as you understand and use crossbow type weapon more.]

(New skill? And it's not a class skill but normal class skill? "After long time of using crossbow…", is the reason why I acquired it is because I used crossbow for long time or is because I killed many creatures with it? There is even possible that it's both of this factors were needed to acquire skill.)

(There 2 things that catched my attention, [Rank F] and [Progression Rate], the heck are those? The ranks thing is probably that skill can become stronger or something, [Progression Rate], it's located next to the skill level, do I have make it reach 100% for the skill to level up or something?)

"…Ah f*ck it. I can't f*king wonder about every single detail right now. First thing first, find the Frog-Mans."

"Butcher said that Frog-Mans are slightly more powerful that Horned Rabbits, the higher level Horned Rabbits I manage to find were level 8. There is chance that those Frog-Mans are level 9 or above, but I still need to find them to confirm their levels."

Mix opened her inventory and pressed on map icon, an system window suddenly appeared in front of her and on it there was a map.

[[Map – There is icon with map on it located near your inventory, by pressing it the map opens. The map will automatically record any terrains you explored. Map will only show terrains that you explored, you can be given free terrains records from quests or from other individuals as well. Warning! If there was change in the terrain, the map won't show it to you, you have to revisit the place to update the map.]]

(After I accepted the quests, I was granted full map of this forest. Now let's…. I was here, here and here, there is not many spots lefts to check.)

"…There is spot where there is a small lake and I still didn't checked that area as well, there is chance that I can find them there or some leads at least."

Mix begined heading south, towards the unchecked area, in hopes of finding Frog-Mans.

Sometime later.

(Something is off. I walked for quite some time and the number of monster I encounters are getting smaller and smaller. I wander if a player-)

Dying scream of Horned Rabbit could be heard in distance.

Mix instantly noticed the sound and begined sneaking around while slowly approaching the source of the sound.

[Bhu'n Frog-Man Warrior – Level 9]

[Bhu'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage – Level 10]

There was group of 5 a humanoid creatures that looked like a frogs, the creature skin was completely blue and some of them were wearing a pieces of wood hold by a rope, they appears to be some sort of armor.

(So those are Frog-Mans ay? By the look of things they just finished hunting the group of Horned Rabbits.)

Mix opened the quest log, to see the contents of the quest again.

[[Completion condition: Hunt down the group of Frog Mans in the forest located in west – number of the frog man ?/?]]

(There is unknown number of enemy in quest description. Are those 5 all the targets I need to kill or is there more?)

(The question is should I try kill them now or later? I can probably take them on right now, but there is still chance that is not all of them. It's better to stalk them and then judge situation.)

The frog creatures begined collecting the corpses rabbit monsters and seconds later they began marching. Mix fallowed them quietly, not letting knew that they are being tailed.

(The direction they are heading is where small lake located.) – though Mix while looking at the map.

Mix fallowed the group of Frog Mans to the camp located right next to the lake. Mix hid behind the tree while observing the current situation.

(1, 2, 3…..there is 10 in total by the look of things. All of them have spear that have Horned Rabbit horns in the place of spear head. There is that one Frog Man with white tattoos all over his body and he is caring a staff I think, he was that mage apprentice that I checked, I don't see any other with similar appearance to him, so that means he is probably only magic user here.)

(Now then let's the fun begin!)

Frog-Mans begined cooking the rabbit meat over the fire while frog with the staff sit with crossed legs on the rocks nearby. When one of the frog people tried to rip off the leg from the fresh rabbit meat, an crossbow bolt suddenly flew right next to the Frog-man sitting on the rock and hit the Frog-man that was trying to take the meat, right in its eye.

The scream of pain could be heard across entire Frog-man's camp. The Frog-Man sitting on the turned its head towards the direction where crossbow came from, only to see Mix with the axe in her hands, ready to swing it at her victim.

"Why hello there." – said Mix to her victim while smiling like devil.

Mix swinged her axe right at the frog creature face, cutting off its jaw and making few of its teethes fly out as well.

"Now then gentlemens." – said Mix while putting her feet on the Frog-man's head that she just bashed with the mace.

Mix lifted her foot and then stomped the dying foes head

[You had Slain: Bhu'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage -Level 10. Received EXP will be shared. You received 26 EXP.]

"Shall we begin?" – While taking her foot off the corpse.

The group of Frog-man's begined charging straight at the Mix, while she was just standing still. As Frog-Mans began getting closer a sound of their comrade screaming could be heard behind them. As they looked back saw a grey creature stabbing already injured Frog-Man while other one was having his cheast pierced by Min horn.

This small distraction gave few seconds for Mix to close the distance between her and frog people. Mix swinged her axe and hit all 3 Frog-Mans in front of her, making them fall on the ground. She then begined pounding one of them with her axe until it's dies, the second enemy got up from the ground and launched his spear forward towards the Mix, she noticed the incoming attack moved her body to the right while lifting her left arm, she dodged attack and then instantly lock the spear movement beneath her left armpit. The Frog-Man tried to pull the spear back but it was hopeless, Mix hit the frog creature with uppercut using the axe, then finished the creature off with strike from above.

"5 down, 5 more to go."

In mere movements half of the Frog-mans were annihilated, this in turn made the creature panic and panic gave birth to fear. This was no longer a fight, but a massacre. One by one all of the remaining frog monsters were dealt with by Mix, Min and pawn.

[LEVEL UP. You became level 10!]

[Tamed creature: Min, had LEVELD UP. Min became level 9!]

"Huh. I thought it would be way harder. Maybe I didn't needed to level up this much." – said Mix while opening quest log.

[[Completion condition: Hunt down the group of frog mans in the forest located in west – number of the Frog Man 10/10]]

"So now it show how many enemies I had to deal with huh? It shows 10/10 so does that mean that quest-"

An water shaped object suddenly flew towards Mix, she only managed to noticed the object as it was centimeters away from her. Mix didn't had enough time to dodge nor block the attack and so she received full force of the blow.

An explosion of water made Mix fly at the high speed until she hit the tree.

(W-what the f*ck happened?!) – Though Mix laying falling on ground.

From a small lake a water begin to act strange and moment later an explosion bursted out from it, making water fly up wards and creating column of water. An unknown figure suddenly appeared within the water column and seconds later the figure stepped out from water column onto a land, revealing it's true appearance to Mix.

[[Quest updated]]

[[Slay 10 Frog-Mans: 10/10]]

[[Slay: Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu: 0/1]]

[Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu – Level 14 – Unique Boss Monster.]]