Chapter 6 – Named Monster.

(F*ck me it's hurts.)

[Mix] [HP: 186/390]

[Your left arm had been broken!]

[You have been inflicted with {STUN}!] – [You are unable to take any actions while {STUN} effect lasts!]

(Before I noticed the attack was rights next to me, sh*t!)

The creature that put Mix into her current state is a Frog-Man, but it was different from the rest, the creature size was at least two times bigger that the regular Frog-man, the creature entire body is covered in light blue colored tattoos and it's caring an staff that is covered with blue plant vines.

[Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu – Level 14 – Unique Boss Monster.]]

(That bastard is a boss monster. I don't think running away is an option any more ever since he showed up. Damn, what was that attack earlier? Since he is called a mage, does that mean that attack was his doing?)

While Mix was still recovering, an water begin appear and gather near Frog-man's staff.

(I still didn't recover!) –"Pawn attack now!" – shouted Mix while still recovering.

Pawn begined rushing straight at the boss monster, the frog creature noticed the pawn, it then pointed its staff towards the pawn and the ball of water flew towards the approaching foe.

The little soldier put his shield in front of him as attacks begin getting closer and the sound of porcelain being shattered could be heard.

The shield and entire left side of the Gray Chess Pawn was completely shattered, thanks to boss monster attack.

[Grey Chess Pawn have been killed]

(Sh*t, it got one shotted.)

The frog creature turned its attention back the Mix, it then released loud ribbit sound and its cheeks began to grown in size, after expediting a bit they begined to glow with faint blue light.

[You are no longer stunned.]

Frog-Mans mouth open and from it a big ball of water suddenly flew out right at the Mix location. Mix launched herself away in attempt to dodge the attack, the attack itself flew in straight line and hit the tree, creating a huge explosion that ended up destroying the tree and grazing the Mix in the back, making her fly a bit.

(Oy, Oy, Oy, isn't that a bit overkill? Even if had same level as him I doubt, I would survive that!) – Though Mix while looking at tree that was once behind her, completely destroyed.

Mix instantly turned her attention back the enemy and noticed the water gathering again. Mix begined running towards the trees while avoiding the attacks, she safely manage to hid behind the tree, while the barrage of the attacks were fired at her nonstop.

"F*ck me, he really wants me dead."

[You have used: Healing Grass Potion(Low quality).] – [The healing have been used on your broken Limb. Most of the healing effect will be applied onto your broken part. The remaining healing effect will be applied with only 50% effect. You recovered 10 HP] X3

[You have used: Awful tasting potion(Low quality).] – [You have recovered 25 SP.] X2

[Your arm left arm is no longer broken.]

(My arm is no longer broken but I ended up using all of remaining potions, now what? I gave Min hand single to hide, she is currently using one of the Frog-Mans corpses as cover, but there is chance that guy will notice her and attack her.)

Mix took a deep breath, in attempt to calm herself down.

(Okay you idiot calm down. So far, this bastard used two different type of attacks: The first attack was where he gather the water and shoot it towards the target, it's not that fast but not slow either, it takes him around 3 seconds to charge and shoot it.)

(The second attack is more problematic. He shoot out from his mouth a giant water ball that have power of a cannon, it has the same speed as first attack but it's has way more power and creates a large explosion, direct hit or standing near explosion can be lethal.)

(Normally boss characters in game have multiple different attacks and attack patterns, meaning that guy have probably other tricks up his sleeve.)

Honestly speaking the odd are against me. I can use trees as a cover and use crossbow to deal damage from afar, however if he uses that cannon like attack right now, I won't be able to dodge properly this time, trees do give me cover but they hinder my movements as well.

Going back on the open field is bad idea as well, I will have to dodge his attacks nonstop and I can't completely dodge the cannon attack, the shockwave still got me and damaged me, then I have 50% chance of getting up in time before I get shot to death.

Probably forcing him to close range combat is good idea, since he won't able to use that cannon attack because he would get hit by it as well. However I would have to run straight at him do that while getting attacked, the dodging would become way harder as well when I would get closer and closer to him, at some distance avoid the cannon attack would be impossible as well.

(Wait a second. Why he still didn't used this cannon like attack? Does it have cooldown or something?)


"Ha…HAHAHAHAHA. OH MY F*KING GOD, AM I STUPID OR SOMETHING?!" – Mix suddenly bursted into laugh like a madman.

(The situation is completely helpless and everything and yet I really want to win this while having fun?)

(What is this trill? What is that excitement I fell? I only came to this world to get inspiration for my new works, but now? I feel like I'm alive!)

(I want to fight him! I want to conquer him! I want to devour him! I want to grow stronger! I want to see more that this world have to offer! Why I fell it now? Is it because of current situation? No, before I thought this was nothing more than a game, but now I can tell, now I can feel that this is real deal! Before everything was going according to my plan, I thought this was way too easy and ended up not taking this world seriously. I want to see! I want to see what this world have to offer. I want to see how different is this world from mine. )

(My world couldn't never offer this kind of excitement and thrill. I don't think I ever felt this way when I was writing my novels, before I thought that only writing my novels was the only thing that made my life enjoyable. This world is really something else!) – Though Mix while an inhuman smile appeared on her face, a smile of a devil, a smile of a monster.

Mix stepped out from her hiding spot onto an open field, showing herself again to her foe, but this time with the smile of the devil on her face.

"Hi, nice weather we got here."

Mix begined charging straight Frog-Man mage while caring a crossbow. Boss monster were shooting a projectiles made out of water left and right at the Mix, while she was cheerfully dodging them. The frog released loud ribbit noise and moment later it's checks begined to expand again, indicating that cannon like attack was charging up.

"[Tamer Command] – Attack Him now Min!" – shouted Mix while aiming her crossbow at the frog creature.

Mix shotted her crossbow straight at the frog creature.

(I didn't noticed it at first and I only realized it after looked at the situation again. Why didn't you used magic attack while charging the attack? The answer is simple you couldn't. It takes you 6 seconds to charge up the attack before you can released it and during that time you can't do anything.)

(Honestly, I still have quite a distance to cover before I get to you and I can probably only shoot single time in this short opening, but that is probably enough.)

(My crossbow bolt can't deal lethal to Frog-Mans even if I hit them in vital spots, however the bolt still pierces their flesh a bit and it's all I need.)

(You summon and gather the water inside your mouth to use that skill, however what would happened if you couldn't gather it properly?)

The bolt flew straight at the creature while it was still charging it's attack, hitting and piercing its cheeks.

"GRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" – The Frog-Man screamed in pain as it cheeks begined to grow smaller.

"I knew it! Your cheeks are your weak spot when you are charging up! Now you are f*cked!"

As Frog-man tried to regain his grip, Min suddenly jumped and stabbed him with her horn into creature side. The creature regained his grip and tried to pull Min away from it, trying to remove the horn stuck in it, however before it could do that a second bolt flew towards it and creature eye got pierced with it. The creature screamed again in pain and returned its attention back to Mix, she was still charging at the creature while changing her weapons from a crossbow to a axe.

With one hand Frog-Man tried to pull out Min horn out of his body, while using the other one that holds a staff shooting magic nonstop at the Mix.

(Now what will you do? I can dodge those attack with more ease ever since your left eye got injured and you cannot concentrate because of Min is keep trying to push her horn into you. Will you use both hands to pull away Min from you with in turn allows me to get allows me to get closer to you or will focus your entire attention on in attempt to kill me with in turn allows Min to pierce her horn even dipper into your body.)

(You have to choose now or do you still have any cards you didn't used yet?)

Furious Frog-man stopped his attacks and lifted his staff above the ground, he then hit the ground with staff bottom part and water begin to gather near the creature.

A sphere of water suddenly formed around the frog monster and the Min who had her horn stuck inside creature side was suddenly launched away from the frog creature.

"A shield with a powerful knockback, I see, I see, but why didn't you used it before Min attacked you? Does it have a long cooldown or you have limited amount of uses?"

On the surface water sphere a parts of it began to detach and form it to multiple balls of water. The newly formed objects began being shoot straight at the Mix and Min, forcing them to dodge.

(They are smaller than his basic attack but he can shot it at rapid rate.)

Mix was continuously dodging and blocking attacks using her axe, but still she was taking damage bit by bit.

(Hm? Wait, I can use axe to block attacks, does that mean that I can by any chance…)

Mix stopped moving for a moment and then raised her axe, she then hit then incoming attack, destroying it.

(Huh. So you can do things like this.)


Mix begined charging at the frog monster once again, while striking any attacks coming straight at her.

(As soon as he activated his barrier, Min who had her horn stuck inside him got launched far away, meaning any form of attack I try will end up being bounced off as well. I have to wait for to run out of juice, before I can even touch him)

[You have only 28% HP remaining.]

[You have only 25% HP remaining.]

(The firing rate is getting slower. He will soon run!)

Mix was continuously dodging and hitting attacks while waiting for chance to strike.

[Your item: Beginner One Handed Axe. Have been destroyed.]

(Oh….Oh that's bad. Oh f*ck me.) – though Mix while looking as her weapon got blown into smithereens in front of her eyes.

The Frog-Man instantly noticed Mix weapon breaking and started focusing all of its attacks at the Mix, who it consider the biggest threat. Mix tried dodge the attack, but without the weapons the number of attacks she received was drastically increased and in turn an smoke of dust were made thanks to the number of explosions from the magic attack, hitting the same area.

As a last shot were fired the water sphere disappeared and Frog-Man got on his knees while clenching to his staff, exhausted.

"Finally out of juice?"

The Frog-Man instantly looked towards the smoke where voice came from, only to see a crossbow bolt flying towards him and hitting him moments later.

From the cloud of dust Mix emergent while caring the crossbow.

[HP: 27/390]

Mix was rapidly firing a crossbow at the creature and quickly reloading it as well. The crossbow bolts were fired one by one at the Frog-Man who couldn't even defend himself properly. The frog creature tried to walk backwards towards the lake in attempt to escape, but unfortunately…


Min was waiting behind him, for him to let his guard down and then she stabbed him in his back with a horn, making him unable to move, forcing him to receive each shot from the crossbow.

The front side of the Frog-Man was pierced by many bolts, the Frog-Man could barely breath until it stopped moving completely.

[You had slain: Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu – Level 14 – Unique Boss Monster.]

[You had solo killed boss type monster. Addition rewards and EXP will be provided. The chance of Receiving multiple rewards and rewards of higher rarity increased.]

[You had leveled up.]

[You will recover a little bit of your HP, SP, MP and your other energies, thanks to leveling up.]

[You have earn Achievement(s)]

[The one who slain the unique boss monster alone! - Tier 1 (2 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You have successfully manage to slay a unique boss monster alone!]

[You are the 2th person to ever hold this title. Additional rewards will be given. The rank of the achievement increased (Rare -> Epic).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +4 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional bonus +5 to all of your basic stats.

[One who slain unique monster! - Tier 1 (7 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You are the 3th person to ever hold this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement will be increased (Rare -> Epic).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +3 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

[Additional Reward]

[Bonus for earning the title alone.]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional bonus +2 to all of your basic stats.

[One of who slays boss monsters alone! - Tier 1 (2 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have slain all by yourself an boss monster, without of the help of any player.]

[You are the 5th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement increased (Common -> Rare).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +6 free stat points

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 6 free stat points.

[One of who slain the monster boss! - Tier 1 (7 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully manage to hunt down and kill boss type monster!]

[You are the 9th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed.]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +4 free stat points.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 4 free stat points.

[You have earned title: The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem.]

[The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully dealt with the Frog-Mans that were a quiet a nuisance to people of the Green Town. The people of the Green Town are very gratefully for your help and they will remember your name.]

[You have manage to earn this title alone. The effect of the title have been enchanted.]


-Your favorability with townsfolk of the Green Town have been increased. This effect have been strengthen – you received additional favorability.

-You receive a slight discount in Green Town while buying, ordering repair or making deals. This effect only applies to Green Town. This effect have been strengthen – you received additional discount.

-You will receive 10 free stat points, the moment you earned this title. This effect have been increased – you received additional 5 free point stats.

-You will deal addition 5% damage to Amphibians. This effect have been strengthen – you will deal additional 5% total damage to Amphibians.

"Huh. There are achievement in this game and titles, their effects seem pretty nice." – said Mix while falling backwards on the ground.

"…Heh… It was hard like hell but I had fun."

[Mix] – [Current Level: 13]

"I wonder what this world will offer me in future?"